Pouring your heart in Small Talks

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The low level subordinates who didn't followed his commands, have magically started respecting him.
Almost like they are scared.
He wonders if it's cause of what happened yesterday...

Closing his eyes he clears himself from all the thoughts.
At the way to the bar on the 2nd floor of the building he meets up with hirotsu.
Upon seeing him, hirotsu immediately bows.
"Good morning boss"
" Good morning hirotsu-san "
He makes his way to sit besides him.

This is his first time coming to this bar  cause it's only open for the higher level members. Well now he can come here whenever he likes.
'Perks of being the boss huh?'

" Boss? "
" Yes? "
" Your drink " he slides him a glass of some expensive alcohol of which he doesn't knows the name.
" Hirotsu-San you are in the mafia since the last 3 generations right? "
" Yes boss "
" How were the last two leaders other than Mori-san? "
The Older man took a min as if he was recalling the memories.

" The first boss I served to was a decent leader, unfortunately he died in a Assassination.
The second boss started off good but then got greedy for power driving himself mad and he would have ruined both Port Mafia and the city if Mori-san didn't stepped in.
The third leader was Mori-San, as you know died in the battle for Yokohama, He will be remembered forever. 
Now I submit rest of my life to you "

"Hirotsu I think you should retire, you deserve a peaceful life outside mafia.
I will help you get a chance to live in the light"
"I pledge my life to this place I and many others call home now, I wish to die in protecting it only"
Oda wondered 'why, he's sure himself and almost every other mafiso would love to live in light. The darkness will only consume them one day, taking Thier lifes away. War, Death, Crimes, Fear, Why do they have to live through all this?
Light side isn't a heaven eiether but atleast it a bit more beautiful.'
"Why...? Why live through this painful and burdened life?"
"I never thought of serving you all as a burden. I choose this life, it's not painful. We all once Were the stray dogs roaming without a reason to live and Port Mafia provide us with a home and people whom I consider my family. I am grateful to everything I got. The Mafia under your rule would prosper more and I am happy for it"
Oda doubted 'Would he be able to give a life they all deserve? would he be able to make port Mafia a better place?'

When the elder man got no reply he continued.
" Forgive me for saying this but you are underestimating yourself too much. "
Oda kept his glass down and replied in a low voice
" I just don't understand "
" Dazai-Kun is a genius but he isn't a good leader
Chuuya-kun cares too much so he wouldn't be able to take decisions a leader should
Kouyou-kun lacks the tactical mind to command as a leader "

Gripping the glass tight he replied
" Why are you telling me this? "
Hirotsu Smiled.


For someone who's Ability is to see the future, Oda sure takes his sweet time making decisions. Pretty Hilarious.

Oda knows Port Mafia is in no way a good Organisation. They are illegal, criminals, killers. They have taken a lot of lives and destroyed a lot of families. A lot of members were forced or Manipulated into joining, not knowing the consequences
'A leader is both the boss and the slave of a organisation' Like a Parent.
He will do everything in his control to give all of the members a better life.
They all have too much Blood on Thier hands but none of them asked to get that fate.
He can not change destiny but he would atleast try.

. . . . . .

I am way too sleep deprived to recheck the spellings and grammar
So please bear with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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