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Hi! I have a few new things to mention in this disclaimer :)

First thing (this one's not technically new), this is a short story (again, sorry for the readers that don't like these). It's eight chapters, with the tiniest bonus chapter. But each chapter is between 1.5k-3k words, so hopefully that makes up for it. It's a very cute story I think, so I think you'll enjoy it. 

Another thing, there's no explicit relationship-y stuff in this fanfic, just a lot of fluff moments/friendship moments. So it'd be a perfect friendship for those that may get more uncomfortable with relationship fanfics! No kissing in this one (sorry to disappoint, maybe I can add some relationship fluff in bonus chapters). 

Second thing, I'm trying out a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT layout for this fanfic, so please please give me feedback. I tried a more aesthetic type fanfic with this one, it has a vibe guys, like it even has its own music playlist, headers and all. I told you, way different than IHYS, Calpal, and WITWF. That's just a heads up and if you hate it, tell me. If it makes it an accessibility issue and makes it difficult to read, tell me. If you love it, tell me. I love feedback, especially when I'm trying out something new. 

There are brief POV switches, from first person to third person. It's not explicitly stated at the beginning, but if a "Third Person POV" needs to be added at the beginning for less confusion, let me know! :)  

There is also time skips (a lot of them! almost every chapter). I don't state the exact time, it's more-so hinted at by saying things like "sophomore year" which would mean they are around 16 years old. 

As mentioned above, it is also a high school AU (also my first time writing an AU so if it's bad you have permission to tell me) so Karl being in MrBeast, DSMP, etc. doesn't exist yet. He is simply living his best life as a high school student. 

Lastly, there's a couple times in the fic where certain dates don't line up to real life dates. An example of this is in the fic there's a scene where they listen to Four by 1D when it first comes out and it lines up in the story that it comes out in December when it actually came out in November, so little things like that, but it doesn't affect the story. 

I hope you enjoy my little story I wrote based on the song Home For The Summer by Sara Kays (amazing artist, please go check her out)!

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