chapter 16

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Ariel Pov

This is insane! This is not possible! Two Mates! There has never in history been someone who had two mates! This is fucking crazy, this cant be! I looked back at James as he looked back and forth at us in confusion. Then the mystery guy muttered the very word I had hoped he kept to himself. Scared I looked back at James once again but this time confusion wasn't written on his face it was pure rage. "That is not possible!" He growled. Someone grabbed my arm and a strong electrify feeling went up my body with fireworks going off in my head. I knew it was James because I was staring right at him. I looked back at the person who was holding me and I saw the mystery person. Looking in his eyes I knew this wasn't some trick, he was indeed my mate. My second mate! But the bond with him was stronger, I don't know how or why but it was. I felt another pair of hands on my arms and electricity went up my body and I knew it was James. I looked back at him and his eyes were pure black meaning his wolf was coming out. He pulled me back with full force away from the guy and growled putting me behind him. I wanted back with the guy my body earned for it. "You will not touch what is mine!" He said very sternly.

"Yours! She is MY mate! I felt the sparks and everything, now you are in my home you will return her to me!" The guy growled. God his voice was perfect, it matched him perfectly. 

"Over my dead body!" James looked like he was ready to shift into his wolf, I need to stop them. I go around to the front of his body and put my hands on his chest. "James, LOOK AT ME! Don't do this please, please take back control." I begged, and begged but he didn't once budge. So I did the one thing I could think of I kissed him, never thought our first kiss will be like this but oh well. it took awhile before he finally calmed down and kissed me back but before I let him get further I pulled back. Because weather he likes it or not I have another mate to think about. 

"He is telling the truth James, he is my mate." I told him looking him in the eyes. He gave me a stern look and shook his head, his eyes showing rage and pain in them. "That is not possible Ariel, It is not known!" 

I looked at him and I got out of his grip. "It is the truth, I know it is not possible but here we are. I can feel the pull to him, I feel the bond. But I also feel the pull to you and our bond as well. I am being pulled in two direction. I wont reject either of you, I wont cause all of us pain. For some reason the moon goddess made this choice, I need both of you for a reason. This cant be for nothing." I told both of them honestly. 

I turned around and looked back at the guy to see him trying to calm himself. I try to go to him but James stopped me. "Ariel, I cant see you in another guys arms. I kept myself composed when it came with Zack, but I won't this time." 

"You will, or you will lose me in the process." I ripped my arm from his grip and walked over to the vampires. I looked over to him looking in his eyes and you could see all the hurt and confusion written in them. 

"Ariel," Colloco said clearing his throat. "This is my son, Magnus." I looked over him in shock this was his son, so that would mean he was a prince. What does that mean? A prince and a great alpha as my mate. What purpose is this?

I looked back over to my Magnus to see him give me a small smile. I smiled back, I wanted to hug him but I don't know how without upsetting everyone. 

"Ariel, I don't know why but he doesn't feel like a normal vampire. " My wolf Mya questioned. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"It is crazy but I call feel that he is a wolf." 


I looked back at Magnus with total shock written on my face, trying to figure out myself if what Mya said was true. I sniffed the air but all I smelt was vampire. I go up to him putting my hand on his chest slowly as the fireworks shot up I felt him tense. I looked up at his eyes and saw him look back at me I smiled at his gaze. He grabbed my hands and put them over his shoulder as he went in for a hug. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me in closer digging his head in my neck. We heard a very loud growl from behind us but didn't care. I proceed to put my head on his chest breathing in his scent. "I have waiting for this moment for so long." He mumbled. 

book two: Ariel's TimeWhere stories live. Discover now