Chapter One «edited»

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Dedication to xlhasax for the amazing cover:')

Picture of Ariana Waters (played by Shenae Grimes)

•Chapter 1•

Love is in the air.

I gazed into Blakes eyes and thought to myself that I was the luckiest girl alive.

He smiled his cute boyish smile and leaned in. I closed my eyes waiting to feel his lips on mine, awaiting the feeling of familiarity and belonging.

I didn't feel it.

Instead I heard muffled laughter and snapped my eyes open in an instant, seeing Blake trying hard not to laugh. As soon as he saw my eyes open he laughed openly and I hated to admit that even though he was making a fool out of me, he looked so damn cute.

Even so, I was annoyed that he was such a tease. He knew I much I didn't like it when he teased me like that.

"Blake! It's not even funny, how many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that before you actually listen to me?!"

He calmed himself down from his hysterical laughter and cooed at me in a patronising tone, "Aww, is little Ariana upset? Does she want her baby bottle?"

I pushed him away from me, getting up from the sofa, "If you want a baby just say so, no need to drop annoying hints like that,"

At this point, I had actually gotten annoyed at him, "Or you know what you could do? Go ask that Emily to have babies with you, she'd be more than willing."

Grabbing me by my waist as I got up to walk away from his immature behaviour, Blake looked a little shocked at first then he replaced it with a serious look, "You know I'm only joking cupcake, I want to kiss you just as much as you want to kiss me," He smirked a little then carried on to say, "But I just love it when you're annoyed, you look sexy."

With that he placed his lips firmly on mine. Resisting the urge to give in and kiss him back, I placed my hands firmly on his chest and pushed him away from me.

"First of all, don't stop me when I'm walking away from you. Second, who says I want to kiss you? Third, you really don't love it when I'm annoyed, trust me. Fourth, don't kiss me when I'm annoyed at you because it will end badly,"

"Oh and I'm only sexy when I'm angry? Gee, thanks boyfriend," I added as an afterthought, my voice dripping with sarcasm as I tried to make him believe I was still annoyed, even though I just wanted to give in and kiss him.

Blake stared at me intensely for a few seconds and I felt myself squirming under his soft brown eyes but tried not to show it. Finally, he cleared his throat and said, "I'm awfully sorry Miss Waters, I won't upset you anymore."

Great, so he obviously saw right through my whole act, which I guess in a way was reassuring.

Well thanks to him being such an amazing boyfriend I couldn't have my fun, so I pouted a little, "Bla-ake! Thanks for being a kill joy, I wanted to make you worry a little before telling you that I wasn't really annoyed!"

With a smirk on his face, he said, "I know, I know. What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I didn't realise that? I decided it would be much easier to just skip to the part where you show me you aren't really annoyed at me," He winked at me, leaning in closer, his eyes flickering between my eyes and lips.

I decided it was finally time to have my fun with him now, just not in the way he expected.

I played along, draping my arms around his neck, our lips touched then I pulled away quickly and put a finger on his lips, "Oh dear Blake, it seems two can play at that game," I gasped faking shock.

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