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I really have so much on my mind and I do not know where to start! My name is Angeliki, I am 16 years old and I live in Greece.

Greece is a very beautiful country with a long history and culture. Greece is mainly known for a very important attraction, the Parthenon, built in the 5th-6th century BC. in honor of an ancient Greek goddess, Athena, who was the goddess of wisdom.

Well today I have very confused feelings it is June 24 and in 1 week we will move to another country !. "Where is the evil? I ask myself, looking at myself in the mirror I have in my room and smiling falsely" Who am I kidding? All my friends are here! " I said and sat down on my bed.

Yesterday I went for a walk with my friends Ariadne and Nicoleta to tell them that I will move in a week, because they did not know anything.

After we sat in a cafe and ordered what we wanted Ariadne started looking at me

-What did you want to tell us? Ariadne asked

For a moment I felt very anxious, in my mind I had made many scenarios of what would happen if they learned that I would move with my family to another country.

As soon as the shocking news was announced to them, they were speechless. "So we will not see you again? Ariadne asked, obviously surprised, "The girl goes to another country, not to another planet! "Nicoletta said," I was silent and ashamed to see my friends trying to realize what I had told them.

A minute of absolute silence prevailed, even Ariadne, who always has something to say, fell silent. Fortunately, this awkward silence was broken when Nicoleta spoke.

- So, do you have free time before moving? Nicoletta asked

- Emm. I think I will have free time tomorrow. I replied happy at last that this suffocating silence was broken

Ariadne's eyes shone and she immediately looked at me with a wide smile

- Can you ask your parents if you can spend all day with your friends tomorrow?

- Yes. . . But what do you mean all day?

- From 9 in the morning until about 7 in the evening

- I will ask . I said a little confused

- Okay, ask your parents and send a message. said Ariadne

- Yes, but what are we going to do?

- It's a surprise !

At that moment the waiter came and brought us what we had ordered.

Meanwhile, Nicoletta was looking at Ariadne in astonishment and while I was taking a sip of the coffee I had ordered, Ariadne nodded in agreement with Nicoletta and whispered "I'll tell you later" but of course I heard it as we sat close 

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