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The Callista Manor

It is a fine afternoon. The time of the day where the inside of the manor calms down, maids unhurriedly go about their work and guards let out heavy sighs they never knew were held back in the first place.

The clock's sound can be very clearly heard in the Count's Office.

tick tock tick tock

"So, Anything you may have to say?"

I gulp. Always straight to the point, ey? "No?"

He lets out a sigh, a hand on his waist. Eyes squinting a little that flash skeptisim.

"Just make sure to not repeat that again"


"Are you a child?"

An awkward but shameless chuckle escapes my mouth.

"Why's that what everyone says about me? How's it that you and Medea have the same exact remarks" I complain.

"What are you getting at?"

I let out a hum, about to go back to my previous amusement when Helio retaliates.

"Oh you aren't. Pray tell me why you were in the private palace gardens, which are only for the royal family"


Silence sits for a while. I let out a series of rather dramatic expressions from time to time, shuffling and hands clenched together in a prayer position. Explaining myself and showing Helio the loveliest puppy eyes I can muster.

He sighs, "Don't repeat this or things like this again. They're big trouble, not only for you"

"Okay, I got it. Will do"

"And don't think you have no work. There's plenty, in fact"

"Ugh alright alright." I get up and fix my surroundings, as to work more efficiently.

I wanted to see a little bit of how father's everyday life was, or maybe I was bored. But after some necessary preparations, I was allowed to do some of the Count's work, and here I am.

Helio walks up to the door when

"Noo, wait, don't go yet."


"I will not be able to work if you go"

"What?" he says, clearly puzzled.

"W-well, what I mean is that I feel like my eyes are about to shut any moment now, so I might doze off and do no work at all if someone's not holding me accountable"

He stands still, and remains silent for a while. Probably unable to comprehend and probably tired of my nonsense.

"Nonsense. What's wrong with you lately?". It didn't take much time for Helio to leave the room.

"Seriously?" I drop my head on my desk, covering it with both of my hands.

Sigh. What did I think would happen? Oh! what is up with you today, Psyche! I re-adjust my posture and stare at my book for a while.

I forget sometimes, he's still a marquess, Marquess of the House of Niccolo, feared and respected by many, dutiful, powerful, impregnable--

The door opens to reveal a handsome marquess with tea and ...pastries? on a pink tray?


"Oh thank you! really. I was just craving for brownies" I really was.

"Yeah" he places the food on my desk.

Why's he doing this?? All of a sudden? Oh wait, Psyche, don't let your imagination run off again.

I analyse the items on the tray. There was warm ginger tea, a mini burger and a medium sized brownie. What a combination.

"They were cooking, I just got whatever was in the kitchen" he says.

"Thats alright!" I like them all. Although I do hope this not enough to cause an indigestion.

We're friends. Alright! friends... I just got a little crush and I just have to keep it in!

I dig in, trying to eat the burger as gracefully as I could.

I continue off to whatever is left off the workload. Signing and analysing each one. My eyes that were heavy before suddenly shot up, but what's the problem now? I keep re-reading the same sentences...

After what seems like an eternity, Helio speaks up. "By the way, Lady Medea invited you for tea this thursday."

Oh. Strange, but great! it has been a while. A long while since her and I have had a proper exchange. I long to tell her many of my adventures. A sudden spark with the news lifts my current state.

"Anything else?"

"Nothing more. You may rest after that batch as most of the work is already completed"

"Very well." I smile.


"I think I'll be able to complete it now" I glance at him "Thanks"


It's been around two hours, and I've finally finished my work. I lay my whole upper body on my desk and stretch my arms as far as I can. Phew...

I look out my window, walking just a few steps away from my desk.

Sigh. Where did all this start?

Several weeks passed ever since these feelings started spurting their growth. I was good at hiding them--that I'll give to myself. But it really doesn't help that he became friendlier as time went on. Days went past as slow as molasses, I got to know him more.

Its suffice to say he is the most confusing human I've ever met!

I could never quite understand people like Eros, but it is even harder to understand this one. He changes nature like a chameleon, his demeanor makes a drastic change when he is talking from one person to the other. And is especially questionable with me!

Eyebrows furrowing, and a pout forms on my lips. I slam my fists on the wall beside my window, put my hands together with force, refraining myself from saying something close to nonsense.

Helio raises an eyebrow.

"Don't think too much now--"

I turn to look at the sudden noise interrupting my thoughts... huh?

"--that little brain of yours might explode"

"When did you get here?!"

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