Chapter 4

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It had been two weeks under Henry's roof. He'd wanted her to be fully recovered from her ordeals before they jumped into work. In the time she'd been at Henry's castle, she hadn't left her room or spoken with the king. Time went by painfully slow. "Are you avoiding me?" Henry's silky voice made her turn around. He was leaning on her door, watching her calmly. It was late evening.. Ara shook her head, pivoting and returning to what she was doing. "Are you not talking to me for some reason?" He shifted his weight and walked over to her quietly.

"I have nothing to say." She answered softly. She turned with a book in her hand and stumbled backward. He was right in front of her. Henry slid his hand around her waist, steadying her. The contact sparked different emotions in her heart. Ara kept her eyes clear of expression. She glanced down at his arm. With his free hand, Henry forced her to look up at him.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you." He ordered. Ara blinked, meeting his gaze. "Have you been avoiding me?" He repeated, using magic to get in her head. Ara fought it half-heartedly. The answer would confuse him.

"I thought you were." Henry tipped his head. Her answer sure had confused him.


"The guards wouldn't let me see you. I thought you were avoiding me 'cause, y'know, the guards obey you." Ara shrugged it off, acting like she didn't care. Henry knew she did.

"They wouldn't let you... and you let them order you around?"

"They have weapons. I don't." Ara pushed his arm away from her, walking past him. Henry turned with her.

"I'll tell them to let you see me. How are you holding up?" Ara shrugged.

"Fine. Don't you have a meeting or something?" Henry glanced at his watch.

"Indeed I do. I'll see you later." He walked out, closing the door behind him.

Later that night, Henry walked by Ara's room. He heard a faint whimper and poked his head in her room. He realized she was having a nightmare and closed the door gently behind him when he stepped in. He quietly walked over to her bed. Ara thrashed around, whimpering softly. The sound of thunder rolled out in the distance, slowly getting louder as the storm crept closer. Henry climbed into her bed and gently pulled her onto his legs, holding her close. Her thrashing faded to trembling. She unconsciously tucked herself into Henry. After a few minutes, she stopped whimpering and trembling. Henry knew she would hate it, but he ran his hand through her hair slowly, picking out tangles very gently. I wonder what she's dreaming about.. I hope it's not about me. I don't want her to have nightmares about me.

When Ara woke up, Henry was gone. That's the best sleep I've had in weeks.. She wondered what made it so restful. She looked at the time. Shoot! We're going in half an hour. Ara scrambled to get up and get herself ready. Time, for all its previous mockery, flew by.

A knock on the door made her pause. "G- give me a second." She answered, hurriedly putting her hair up in a fluffy ponytail. Her door opened, revealing Henry.

"We have time. Relax." His voice made her worry more. Ara pivoted and faced him.

"Uhm-" Henry walked over to her.

"Let me know when you're ready." Henry's voice was soft, meeting her gaze with a gentle look in his eyes. He brushed loose hair from her face. Snap out of it! Don't play your cards just yet. He blinked and stepped away from her. "I'll be in my room." He strolled out, closing her door behind him.

What was that about..? Ara shook her head and finished getting ready. She slipped out of her room. "Um." She paused, not sure where his room was. A guard jumped at the opportunity to help.

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