(FMS) Tina's Birthday!

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Tina's POV:

It was a Thursday morning, I woke up to the sun being DIRECTLY in my eyes. I cover my eyes with both my hands as I sit up. I blink a few times to awaken my vision but I didn't see Lincoln nor Issac sleeping. Maybe they just got up earlier before me? I get up off the couch to make my way into the kitchen, no one was there either... So before I did any more searching I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get dressed. As I'm brushing my teeth I noticed a little note on the mirror. A note? Who's this for? I pick up the note, it reads:

"Tina, when you wake up, come to my room. We're going somewhere." -Ash

Huh? Ash never lets me in her room... I look at my phone to see the time, it's June 30th. Wait a second... It's my birthday! Maybe Ash is taking me out somewhere for my birthday! Just the two of us though? Blush crept onto my face, maybe it's nothing too special- maybe it's just ice cream or something. I finally get ready and I make my way to Ash's room, she was sitting on her bed on her phone.

"I'm here, Ash." I simply stated, Ash turned her gaze to me and waved.

"'Kay, let's go." Ash stood up, but I nudged on her shirt before she could exist her room, she turns to me and raises her eyebrow.

"Wait! Do you know what day it is today?" I questioned, hoping she didn't forget about my birthday. She looks confused and scratched her head

"June 30th. Why?" Ash looked down at me, I frown slightly. Maybe if I try to be specific she'll remember!

"And do you know what happens on June 30th..?" I smile widely as Ash just rolls her eyes

"Don't know, don't care. Now let's go." Ash took my hand as we made it outside her room. Maybe she did forget. That's okay though, maybe she'll remember later!

We made our way outside, it was pretty chilly but it didn't really bother me. Ash took me into the forest which was pretty far from her house, did she wanna show me some cool/freaky looking bug she found? I'm pretty sure it ran away. Ash hasn't said a single word since we left, it was starting to annoy me how she won't tell me what's going on. Anytime I'd try to ask her she would just annoy me and check her phone every 10 minutes. I even tried super jumping up to her to see what she was doing on her phone, not to be like a strict parent or anything- she would just lift her phone in the sky or turn to her left or right.

A couple hours later...

We've been walking for HOURS and not a single peep came out of Ash. I rip my hand out of hers and I try to touch a little caterpillar, Ash FINALLY decided to open her mouth. Every word she said just set me off.

"Don't touch that! What's your deal?" Ash lightly raised her voice at me

"What's my deal?! WHAT'S YOURS!???" I shouted, Ash looked shocked when I shouted, I don't like getting angry at Ash but this was getting ridiculous!! "We've been walking for hours and you've never told me where we're going, nor what's going on! And it breaks my heart to know that you forgot today was a special day!"

"Tina, I have no idea what you're talking about. Today is just like every other day, there's nothing special going on today! I just wanted to take you out for a walk so we can spend the day together, is that so wrong?!" Ash spat back at me, I was FURIOUS how she had the audacity to say nothing was special going on today! Like hello??? It's my FUCKING BIRTHDAY!

"Are you serious?! All you've been doing was looking at your fucking phone every few minutes! You've never said a single thing to me this entire time! But now when I go to investigate this caterpillar, you FINALLY DECIDE TO OPEN YOUR MOUTH!?!" I look at Ash with hurt and enraged eyes, Ash didn't seem to care at all. She just rolled her eyes and checked her phone AGAIN! This time her phone was ringing.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2022 ⏰

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