One- Past and the present

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Clays Pov:
"Hey pretty, what's up?" I asked as I walked into Aaliyahs bedroom
"Hey Clay... I need to talk to you" She said with a hint of nervousness in her voice
"Yeah, anything. What's wrong?" I asked, tilting my head slightly, and smiling yo lighten the dull mood
"Can you sit down, please?" She asked, patting the spot on the bed beside her
"Yeah?" I said, sitting down

"Okay" she said, breathing out loud "So.. I'm freaking out, so I'm just gonna get straight to the point" she said, grabbing my hand and squeezing it, tight
"My period is late" she said, softly
"What..?" I said, looking at her, but she was looking down, messing with her hands
"It's never late, Clay. My period has never been late"
"How... How late are you?" I asked, worried for the answer
She sighed, "two weeks"
"Well.. are you sure you're like.. pregnant?" I asked
"Yes I'm sure, Clay" She said, leaning over and grabbing something front her bedside table, and holding it towards me, revealing a positive pregnancy test

I grabbed it slowly from her hands
"This.. no... This can't be real, Aaliyah. You're messing with me" I said, my hands beginning to shake
"Clay, you know damn well I wouldn't mess with you about something like this!" She raised her voice in disbelief of my accusation
"I know! I know.. but what does this mean for.. us?"
"Nothing! This isn't gonna change things for us. We've been able to get through everything, we can get through this too" she told me

I felt a bit of relief until I realized
"Wait.. we're not keeping it.. right?"
"What? Why wouldn't we keep it?" She said, more defensive than before 
"Aaliyah, you cannot be serious. We're 18! We can't have a baby!" I said, stunned
"We can't just give up our baby, Clay" She said

"She's not our baby, Aaliyah... She's your baby" I said, dropping her hand
"Clay, what the hell are you talking about..?" She said, tears filling her eyes
"Liyah, I-" I started before I was interrupted
"No! You don't get to 'Liyah' me!" She said, standing up "you can't just run away because you're gonna have responsibilities. You're this baby's father!"
"No I'm not!" I yelled, walking towards the door
"You can't just leave me, Clay" she said, tears beginning to fall down her cheeks
"I can't do this.." I said, walking out and leaving out the front door

I heard footsteps behind me, running down the stairs as I was shutting the front door. It swung back open as I approached my car. It was pouring rain outside, so I could hardly see her
"Clay! Don't do this to me!" She yelled over the rain
"This was all a mistake, Aaliyah.." I said, opening my car door
"No it wasn't! Please Clay.." she begged me
"I'm sorry, Aaliyah" I said, getting in my car and backing out of the driveway

I watched as she began trembling and backed up against the wall of her house, sobbing, and slid down to the ground

I felt tears forming in my eyes as I drove away from the girl I once loved... the love of my life...

Five years later
"Hello babies! Welcome to the stream, how are all of you?" I said, looking towards chat

I'm good!
Not the best, but you're helping :)
Missed you smmm

I frowned slightly "Sorry if you're not having the best day, but I hope things will get better" I started "Lilia is napping, so I have time to stream. I decided amongst speed-running! I'm gonna try again to beat the record that Dream himself holds" I said, loading into Minecraft

After a very long time of trying to get a good seed, I spawned in a desert, next to a village
"Jesus, finally!" I said, running to the village and gathering haybales. I found some wood in a chest, being able to mine stone, and make a stone sword. I stacked up three blocks and killed the iron golem

After a few minutes I made it to the nether, spawning very close to a fortress, only having to cross a small lava pool

After getting 7 blaze rods I traded with some piglins, getting more pearls than needed

I got back into the overworld, quickly finding the stronghold, and the portal room. I entered the portal, and checked the time
"Four minutes. C'mon, dragon!" I said, shooting the dragon a few times

I shot it until the dragon perched and I hit it over and over until the purple rays shit from it
"HOLY SHIT! C'MON!" I yelled, waiting to be entered into the portal

I entered the portal and checked the time
"I DID IT! I BEAT IT BY 6 FUCKING SECONDS!" I said, leaning back in my chair
"Holy shit. I just did that. Sorry Dream" I said

Unbeknownst to Aaliyah, Dream was not who she thought he was

"I think I'm gonna end the stream here! Thank you all for coming" I said
"I'm gonna raid... Oh! Dream is streaming. I don't know much about dream besides that he has the record, but since I beat him, I'll cheer him up by raiding him" I laughed "Bye! I love you all!!" I said

Dream Pov:
"Oh! Sanitysunz, thank you for the massive raid, I hope your stream went well!" I said

A dono rang through 'yeah, her stream went well. She beat your record'

"Wait what?" I asked "she beat my record!?" I asked

The chat spammed loads of 'yes's'

"Damnit" I started, and began typing a dm towards her on Twitter
"I'll get my record back..." I mumbled, sending the dm

Seems to me you've beat
My record. Let's see how long
That'll last 😼


First part, how we feelin!?

second chance..? (Dreamwastaken x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now