The Curfew

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3rd Person

Every time Dylan would go anywhere she always saw that creepy black van. Weather it was her walking to school or hanging out with Vance she saw it. It was like it was waiting for her.

Dylan's Pov

Today was a normal day. Walk with Fin, and Gwen to school. Go to class have lunch and go back to classes for a few more hours. I was also going to help Vance with his English essay that is due in a week. We were going to meet a a local library so neither of our parents suspected anything. When I did hang out with a boy my dad never liked it , he would get super overprotective and call me a whore if I did. On my way to the library I saw that creepy black van again. But I continued my way to the library and and waited for Vance.

-Skip 3 hours-

It has been about 3 hours waiting for Vance and he never showed up. It was going to be passed my curfew and if I didn't get home before it my dad would go ape shit. So I gave up on waiting for Vance and luckily I got home 5 minutes before my curfew.

Vance's Pov

On my way to meet up with Dylan out of the corner of my eye I saw a black van. I didn't think much so I just kept walking. A few seconds I felt like someone was grabbing me so obviously I screamed. But when I did a foul taste filled my mouth and my eyes started to become heavy.

The next thing I know I was in a dark cold basement on a bed with no sheets and blankets. There was also a black phone to my Left and a small window.

The a man in what looked like a devil mask came in.

The grabber-"Well I see you have woken up"


I got up and started to run towards him and try and beat the shit out of him but then I was knocked out cold...


Sorry for the long wait on this chapter I was at my grandmas. Also thank you guys so much for all the love on this book I have received so much<3

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