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You and the kids had abandoned the snacks on the chairs as you stood in a circle, examining the light. You were suddenly reminded of the Sauna Test and it left a sour taste in your mouth.

Will touched his neck, fear filling his face. "He's here." He whispered.

"Come on," El said, and she led your group into the hallway.

"Hey," The receptionist called as the six of you passed her without a word, "Hey! Hey! Two at a time!" You ignored her, moving farther into the hospital as the lights continued to flicker. Max pressed the button for the elevator incessantly but you shook your head.

"It won't come in time." You said.

"Stairs." Mike said, something catching his eye. He moved and the rest of you followed him to a nearby staircase.

"Do you guys hear that?" You asked as you guys ran up several flights of stairs.

"Sounds like-"

"Someone's there." Will cut off Lucas' sentence, and the six of you ran into the hallway.

"Jonathan?" You exclaimed. He turned to you, a fire extinguisher in his hand. He was a little bloody and your heart dropped.

"Where's Nancy?" Mike demanded.

"She's in there with that thing," Jonathan replied, his voice full of emotion.

"With Him." Will whispered. El moved towards the door and Jonathan moved away from it as she sent it flying open after a few moments.

A slimy, fleshy creature larger than anything you'd ever seen before stood over Nancy and you were overcome with fear.

"Jesus," Mike said, out of breath.

"Holy shit." You muttered.

"What the f-" Max's sentence was cut off by a loud roar from the beast as it moved towards you. El screamed, slamming it against the wall. She threw it to the other side, and then the ceiling, and back down onto the floor as Nancy cowered in the corner.

It should have been dead, but it sprung up almost unharmed, roaring once more. El screamed again, sending it through the window the hospital, glass shattering across the room.

"Go," El said to Jonathan, who moved towards his girlfriend with unprecedented speed.

"Nancy!" He exclaimed as the kids ran downstairs. You followed as designated babysitter and heard Nance and Jonathan right behind you as you halted outside of the hospital behind Lucas and Mike.

You all breathed heavily and watched as the creature, all separated goo, slithered towards the storm drain, leaving behind nothing but bone.

"I'm gonna hurl." You whispered.

"This isn't over yet." Nancy said. "We have to find them."

"How do we do that?" Lucas asked.

"I can use my powers. I can do it." El said, and Mike shook his head.

"El, you're drained." He argued.

"We have to try." She insisted.

"Let's go back to the basement. We can set up down there. Let's all go home, get changed, and regroup in an hour." Nancy suggested, and you nodded.

"Who's coming with me?" You asked, grabbing your keys from your purse.

"I will." Lucas said. "I don't want to hear the three way argument between Max, El, and Mike about this on the way home."

"I second that." Will said with a nod. You made eye contact with Jonathan.

"We'll meet you there."

"See you in an hour." Jonathan replied.

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