Your Mine

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some background information: Bakugou and Todoroki are like best friends they have liked each other for the past 2 years or so and today Bakugou makes the move

On the Phone with Todoroki

Bakugou: Come on IceyHot it'll be fun 

Todoroki: **Your right got to a bra and dancing is going yo be so much fun for me 

Bakugou: Stop being like eyes and lets go and have some fun 

Todoroki: Fine ill meet you at your dorm room (😒)

Bakugou: Okay see you Bye

The call ended 

This plan(To sum up the plan Bakugou is going to make Todoroki jealous) I came up with better work 

Someone is knocking on he's door

Bakugou: I'm going 

He opened the door

Todoroki:Hey Bakugou are you ready to go 

Bakugou: Yep let me just go get my phone 

Todoroki: Okay ill wait for you in the car! 

What they look like 

Bakugou: Look Todoroki lets go over here *grads his hand*

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Bakugou: Look Todoroki lets go over here *grads his hand*

Todoroki:(°//-//°) Okay lead the way Bakugou

Bakugou: Todoroki? 

Todoroki: Yes?

Bakugou: Thanks for coming with me

Todoroki: Bakugou it was no-

Bakugou: Come on sit now 😊

They take their sits 

Bartender: Hello tonight ill be your Bartender what can to like?

Todoroki: ill get a water 

Bakugou: But Todoroki were at a bar?!

Todoroki: Bakugou I'm the DD

Bakugou: Fine ill get a Stawberry daiquiri

Bartender: Yes sir *walks away to prepare there drinks*

Todoroki: Bakugou please don't get drunk

Bakugou: I'm not iceyhot 

Todoroki: Are you sure 

Bakugou: Yes 

Bartender: Who's tad should I put this on?

Todobaku: Mine

Todoroki: Bakugou ill pay

Bakugou: Wait why? It was my idea to come so I should pay

Todoroki: Bakugou ill pay because I'm being a good friend

Bakugou: But i-

Todoroki: Put it on my tad sir 

Bartender: Okay Sir (walks away)

Bakugou: Now come on come dance with me

Todoroki: ill stay here 

Bakugou: Fine 

Bakugou leaves

Todoroki: Oh boy...

Bartender: Is he your boyfriend?

Todoroki: (•/-/•) no why do you say that?

Bartender: You seem to care for him a lot is he a future boyfriend?

Todoroki: No I don't think he feels the same...

Bartender: How come?

Todoroki: Were best friends and what if I make things weird or he doesn't want to be friends anymore

Bartender: Don't worry he Seem to like you too

Todoroki: really thanks

Todoroki then hears Bakugou laughing and turns around and sees this 

Todoroki then hears Bakugou laughing and turns around and sees this 

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Bartender: ...*Cleans throat* Looks like someone trying to take him 

Todoroki:... I have to go do something *started walking to them but stops and turns around* thanks you 

Todoroki goes to the two

Todoroki: Hey Bakugou

Bakugou: Hey iceyhot

The guy: who's this Bakugou?

Bakugou: Right , Todoroki this is Sh-

Todoroki: You know Bakugou ill take that dancing offer

The guy: Look man he's already dancing with someone so back off 

Todoroki: And who are you to tell me I can't dance with him?!

The guy: He's future Boyfriend

Bakugou: W-wh-

Todoroki: And what makes you think he'll get with you!?

The guy: Everything I mean look at me right Baku-

Todoroki then started punching the guy 



Turns around to Bakugou and grabs he's hand pulling him out the bar

Todoroki: You mine Bakugou only mine 


Once they get out the bar

Todoroki: Shit I'm sorry Bakugou I didn't mean to hit him I was just I'm sorry about what I si-

Todoroki: Shit I'm sorry Bakugou I didn't mean to hit him I was just I'm sorry about what I si-

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Bakugou: I don't care I didn't like.him so shh now

Todoroki: Okay

Bakugou: now come on don't you want yo give what's your something ;)

Todoroki: Bakugou I wanted to ask you for some time of you wanted to go out with me?

Bakugou: Ofc i do stupid😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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