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Word count: 734

I went inside and I opened the door to hard ,I knocked over a picture and broke it,Levi was sitting on the couch and noticed."Luca what the hell!" Levi shouted at me "what? It's no big deal it's just a picture.." I said "What the hell do you mean it's just a picture?! It's a picture of my father!" He said "It's still just a picture!It's been almost a year and you still haven't gotten over it!? God!"I said in disbelief "What do you mean get over it!? He was the only person that made me happy.." Levi cried out "He made me happy too and I don't whine about it.I miss our father as well but I had moved on,Why can't you do the same!" I said. I went to my room mad about what happened, I can't blame him..part of me still misses my father and wishes that he could still be with us..

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Mother texted me..what does she want?


Mother: hey hunny! While I was in the grocery store I found someone you might know!

Luca: who is it?

Mother: her name is Charli she says that she is a friend of yours!

Luca: she's here ? I thought she was going to be here next week.

Mother:she lives close by I invited her parents over for dinner they are really kind!

Mother:I will be there in 10 minutes.

Luca: ok.

Mother: hey Luca..please tell your brother to not act rude,I really don't want them to think our family is bad..I hope you understand.

Luca:...I understand.

I already knew that Levi was mad at me and probably didn't want to talk to me but I had to do what mother said,I don't really want Charli thinking I have a toxic family,then again she is the one who saved me that day at the cafeteria so she probably already knows how he is...I decided to text him instead


Luca: Levi.

Levi: what do you want.

Luca: mother invited some people over.she also want you to act know don't act the way you act when there isn't any visitors..

Levi: yeah yeah,ok.

I heard the door open and immediately knew that it was my dad,I was getting ready for the visitors and checking my phone just in case my mother texted me that she was close to our house but then i heard the door open and i heard me mother cry out " Luca,Levi!The visitors are here!" "Coming mom!" I responded. I went to go greet the visitors and sat down on the couch to talk to Charli about things,I then saw Levi greeting Charli's parents with a smile on his face.I haven't seen Levi smile in ages,But of course it isn't a real smile,I told him to act like that.

He then came and Sat right next to me and proceeded to greet Charli "Hello Charli nice to meet you it has been a while!" "Yeah..! It has been a while.." Said Charli while forcing a smile on her face. Soon everyone was sitting on the couches and where talking,then Charli's mother said Levi's name "Levi! Are you a good sibling to your brother?y'all seem to get along very well!" "Yes! Me and luca are inseparable we have the best memories together!" Levi said and proceeded to hug me.Levi and I are inseparable?We have good memories together!? I thought to my self,what did he mean good memories!? Why is he hugging me!?I felt the urge to cry but I couldn't I didn't want people seeing me cry,the only thing i could do to hide my tears is to smile and agree to what Levi said "It's true,He is the best brother in the world!" What was I saying "the best brother in the world"!? I couldn't do anything anyways..

A few minutes pass by and the food was ready we all ate and by the time everyone was done it was time for Charli's family to go we all said goodbye and they left,things where back to normal once they left levi started acting like a jerk again and I went straight to bed.

I never knew it was so tiring to be fake.

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