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Name: Luna
Birthday: September 24
Family: Her father Wyatt, their mother Victoria, her sister Nova and their sibling Lincoln
Backstory: She grew up in the city
Friends: Haru, Boyd, Sophia, Wendy, Joey, Karla, Julienne, Jaxon, Warren, Addison, Stella, Ciel, Camila, Ivan, Katrina and Edgar
Likes: Their family, her friends, LGBTQ+, playing, mud, tomboyish clothes, nature, meat, sweets, animals and having their hair up at all times
Dislikes: People who hurt the people she cares about, school, people who hate LGBTQ+, bullies, baths, girlish clothes, pollution, veggies, seafood, animal abusers and brushing their hair
Occupation: A elementary school student
Sexuality: Omniromantic, grey-aromantic and asexual
Boyfriend/girlfriend/partner: None
Crush: None
Gender: A demi girl
Pronouns: She/they
Age: 6
Oc squad: Smart
Species: Wolf
Powers: Has claws, can run fast and has stronger hearing and smell
Fears: Losing the people she cares about, heights and the dark
Personality: Somewhat kind, somewhat mean, smart, has anger issues, gets scared sometimes but hides it, overprotective, brave and strong

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