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technoblade isn't just any minecraft player, he isn't just any random person on the internet. he is an assortment of absolute talent, completely unhinged humour, incredible goodness, overloaded fun, brilliant mastermind and so much more.

to some he is alex, to some dave, to many technoblade, but to all, the blood god who never dies. he is one of the most genius people to ever exist, and it was because of this, he is loved, cherished, by, and is an inspiration to so so so many people, and everyone who knew him now feel an unexplained emptiness in their hearts.

i discovered techno about six months ago, when i was introduced to the world of dream smp, and since then, he's been one of my absolute favourites. we love his incredibly dark humour, his otherworldly pvp skills, his easily distinguishable voice, his infamous 'HEH's, his intriguing lore and him, as a cc and a person. 

it was 7 in the morning when i found out the news through twitter, and for solid two hours, i couldn't believe he was actually gone, in spite of all the messages and tweets remembering him. i couldn't bring myself to watch the video, and when i did, i full on cried, and its been a few hours, my parents are worried about my puffy eyes, but it just hurts, hurts so so very badly. my favourite mcyt, my blood god, technothepig, gone. it feels like a loss of a family member, a loved one.

techno's death isn't heart wrenching just for his friends, his subs, the smp's he's been in, or minecraft as a whole. its heart wrenching for every single person who's ever had the honour to meet him.

we probably shouldn't be sad, and im pretty sure wherever he's now, he's calling us a bunch of nerds, laughing at us, farming potatoes, committing arson, and 1v1 dueling with god.

cancer fucking sucks, and to everyone who's family members and loved one's are suffering through it, i genuinely hope it gets better <3

rest in peace techno, you will never die


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