"New World Order"

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Would arming the civilians of an already violent city to combat delinquents and criminals make the city a safer place?

I believe it "will" make the city a safer place. It will make it a safer place for the "civilians" who are tired of being scared. The Government has already failed them, the civilians. They've let the criminals and the "bad-guys" set root in the city. Now the roots are to deep and to grounded to be ripped out and the Government can't do much to control the problem.

To be completely honest, I don't even believe the Government has in mind or even thinks about putting and end to the violence that goes on in the city. They leave that up to the "Police". They fund the Police to take care of these criminals who put fear on civilians. Civilians trust the Police to defend them from the predators, forgetting that the Police is just like them, scared for their own life, working at near minimum wage, to protect you. Some Police, just like the Government, have failed the civilians.

If all men or women had weapons, the bad people would think twice about holding up a store or participating in a crime. Maybe in the beginning a "new world" with weapons would be a terrible place. Bloodshed will fill the earth. Screams would echo with gunfire, But eventually after so much pain and heartbreak people will have to learn to live together.

Throughout history, different ethnic groups hardly ever got along. Do Race and Ethnicities play a big role in the security and calmness of a mixed community? It is a probability. Let's take early America for example. When the first settlers came into America, The Irish, The German, the Polish, The Jews, The French , The Chinese, just to name. Few, tried to live in harmony, but sadly peace never lasted. One settlement envied the other and they would make laws prohibiting one race from ever advancing. The Anti-Chinese law came into effect when the European settlers noticed that the Chinese were overpopulating and were great workers. They took control of a lot of the work that was around at the time and envy and fear struck the hearts of a lot of "early settlers." Violence and prejudice became a thing and the targets were the Chinese. The same thing happened with the Irish, and the Jews, and the Arabs.

They always say this here in America, "new immigrants will never learn the language, nor learn how to adapt to the American life!" How are they certain a person will not adapt without first offering them an opportunity to succeed? Is it because of fear that another Race wants it more than them to be in America that they will try harder than a Natural American will? They will work more and teach their children to work harder, then they will teach their children to work smarter? I feel like the reason many Americans do not want immigrants and other such people to partake in the American dream is for the envy and jealousy that the minority Race might one day over power the Dominants.

I feel like Governing a community is easy and simple when the community is small. The larger the community, governing it can become a stressful predicament. Who do we blame when a Government fails? Do we blame the community or do we blame the Government? How sure can one be that the Government really wants the best for the community and not to benefit one self or one class? What if the community wants something that is totally out of the ordinary or something so
complex that the Governing officials really do not want to partake in, or that they will put themselves at risk of being overrun by the community?

Everything is a question and not all questions have an answer as of yet. Meditation is required to fight those tough questions and some answers might be sour.

Should a Government always oblige to what the community wants? We see it all around us when a community doesn't get their wishes. Protest explode and Violence increases as the community grows and the Government stays the same. So a government then, as in a response to the actions of who it is governing, has two clear options. One, give the community what they ask for, or two, take away from the community to not allow them to grow stronger, so that the government still remains in control.

Are we forgetting that we are the ones who keep our Governments in tact? We choose our Governors and our Presidents. We assign every person in power. But is it really us? Or are we just brainwashed individuals believing everything one says which they hardly ever fulfill. Lies are everywhere and in everyone their is a little bit of darkness. I believe the community down to every single person as an individual needs to confide in themselves and protect themselves and their own treasures. For the Government will never protect you as a single person, only as a whole and only if the whole is beneficial to the Government. So why do they have us believing that one person can make a change if in the end of it all they will never recognize one person, they will always give credit to a whole. To the majority.

It's a never ending war for power. The majority versus the minority. The rich versus the poor. The whites versus blacks. Race versus Race. Ethnicity versus Ethnicity. The strong versus the weak. One strives for a bit then another comes into power. Then they strive for a bit then another overrun them taking control of the torch. Civilization has seen thousands of "new world orders" come and go. Yet we have always adapted. One is always oppressed and the other is blessed. One is born righteous and the other is born cursed. This is life. This is humanity. Welcome to Earth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2022 ⏰

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