What what just happend??

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Hi just a quick authors note thank you so much for all the positive feed back I love all you xxx thanks again
Lilli xx

Day 3
I woke up the next morning with back cramp from the lumpy sofa, I checked my phone it was 10am my grandparents were still in bed. u checked my email just in case nothing what am I doing he would never reply!! Why would he??

It's currently 1pm I had just finished my grandparents microwave meals. I can't see my parents there conditions is are critical and could change at any moment weather it's better or worse . I was looking through Instagram i didn't want to talk to anyone I was to afraid, not sure what I was afraid of exactly. I decided to check my email again, then I saw I had 1 notification I opened the app and I saw it an email from... dan... I was speechless I was scared to open it but I did..

Hi Libby
I'm so sorry to hear about you parents I hope they get better soon!! I read your email about 4am I had to wake up Phil!! Me and phil stayed up till about 5am talking about your situation we slept on it and made our final decision this this morning. we would love to help out. could you send me info like your address phone number all that stuff. so yeah

Dan and phil
I can't even right now.. did that just happen. how do I tell my family, my grandparents My mum and my dad? That's when I got the phone call...

I can't believe this I don't know wether today was the best day or the worst day it's leaning towards worst I had the news that my dad past away and my mum doesn't have much longer to live. We're planning on having there funerals on the same day. it feels more special that way.

Day 4
Its 3:54 am. wow my body clock is skewed up I replied to Dan email at about 10pm. I'm going to get some sleep I can't stay awake for ever worrying...

adopted by dan and phil?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora