Her Own Dimension

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She was at a party. A room full of people. Known-unknown faces. Some were talking. Some were dancing. Slow music was playing. Everyone was enjoying. She was standing by the wall in a quiet corner. It's not like she wasn't enjoying herself. She too was happy. Like really happy. She was looking at the people dancing and she was there, swaying with them. She was listening to their stories. She could feel their enthusiasm. She was there witnessing the beginnings. The beginning of a love story. The beginning of friendships. She was there at the end too. She saw the hearts breaking. She saw the energies damping. She was a part of everyone's story. And this was how it used to be till she saw him. Entering with his bunch of friends. Blue jeans, black tee, nerdy glasses. Damn, she couldn't breathe! She saw him smiling. A smile so child-like. She fell for that carefree smile. His happiness was radiating. It reflected in his eyes. His jet black orbs. So beautiful. So deep. They were shining just like an ocean reflecting the sunlight. She laughed as he started dancing (not her fault, he had crazy moves). She giggled as he stopped, being embarrassed at how he looked. She saw him blush, and her heart skipped a beat. At that time, she was no more a part of everyone's story. She had her own now. Her own world. Her own dimension. With just him and her. he wasn't even aware of her existence. she wasn't a part of his world. But he became a part of hers. For she didn't fall for the boy everyone saw. She fell for the boy she saw. She fell for her version of the boy. The one only she knew. And he is always going to be in her stories. Because that night, a new dimension was created. An infinity where a girl fell in love with a boy. A boy she hardly knew. A boy she'll never know. But that moment will stay forever and ever.

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