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Phoenix was waiting in the living room for Stargirl to come out with her 6th choice of outfit. she wasn't really sure what to wear so she decided to have pheonix help her out. pheonix knew more of what rooster was like because of the time spent at top gun together so she had a vague idea of what the date might look like because both rooster and stargirl were alike in many ways. she decided to go with something not too casual but not too dressy because she knew he would be wearing his usual hawaiian t-shirt over a wife beater with some jeans. "i like this one phe." she said as she stepped out of the bedroom, "me too star, you look cute but you don't look too dressy. and you can wear ur claw clip with it too" (the outift is the picture above, you can imagine something different if u don't like it) "okay, i think this is it." star had straightened her hair beforehand and applied some light makeup of mascara, lipgloss, and a little bit of blush. she pulled her hair into a ponytail with the claw clip and sat on the couch with pheonix. "idk how to feel about him pheonix." she just smiled in return, "that's what the first date's for stargirl." "call me amelia please."
"okay then call me nat" "okay i will" they both smiled at each other before a quick knock on the door interrupted their conversation. "bye nat, thx for helping me choose my outift. your welcome to any of the food here and there a spare room if you want to stay here instead of the dorms, i know you don't really like being the only girl there with all the testosterone." "thank you, i'll pay you back some other way." amelia got up of the coach and started for the front door, "no need nat, your like a sister to me already." she didn't have to turn around to know nat was smiling at herself with pink checks at the words.
amelia opened the door to see the one and only rooster standing there with his hands in his pockets. he had on his usual of a wife beater with a hawaiian shirt and jeans. she noticed him checking her out as she did him, she chuckled as she started towards his blue jeep. "come on cowboy" he nodded as he walked to the passenger side of the car where she was standing, the door still locked. "i will die before letting a lady open her own door." she smiled as he unlocked the door before opening it and waiting as she got situated in the car before closing it and walking to the drivers side to start up the car. "so where do you plan on taking me?" he smiled at her as he took a quick glance at her. "there's this new restaurant that i think you'll like,
i've only been once but it's just ur style."
amelia hummed as she looked out the window before a bright idea came to mind. "what do you listen to?" he smiled, "just about everything, but my favorite song is great balls of fire." she laughed "yeah i know that." she took what she assumed to be the aux cord before playing one of her playlist. head over heels by tears for fears started to play through the speakers. roosters eyes brightened as he said "i love this song." he turned it up and they both sang along to the "You're just! just! just waisting time! something happens and i'm head over heels! i never found out til i'm head over heels!" they eventually pulled in front of a building and she smiled with a roll of her eyes when she saw him run around the jeep to get to open her door. "my gentleman." he placed his aviators on the hem of his shirt as he said "yes ma'am that's me" with a fake country accent. she rolled her eyes again as they headed for the door of the dinner. he held the door open for her and her mouth opened in awe as she saw the interior. it was a 90's diner themed restaurant with checkered floors, rooster was right it was just her style. she loved it already. rooster stood beside her as the lady asked how many and lead us to a booth in the back corner of the restaurant up against a window. rooster and stargirl sat across from one another and she blushed a little after catching him staring at her. the waiter came up and asked for their drinks before heading off to another table. "so do you like it? did i do good?" she laughed a little "yes you did very good roo." he smirked as he watched her look around the restaurant, she was so beautiful to him. "you look very beautiful." he said before thinking. she looked back at him with a shy smile, "thank you very much." they both talked away at each other and sat in that booth for what felt like hours. when they had finished, amelia sneakily paid the bill she knew that he had asked her on a date so technically he would pay but she didn't mind because she had a good time. rooster complained about how he could have gotten it but thanked her as they got back into roosters truck. "i have one more destination before taking you home." she looked at him questionably, they drove for a few minutes before they pulled up to a parking for what looked to be a nearly empty beach since was dinner time. he opened her door for her and held his hand out for her to take as they walked the beach shore together. as they walked, Amelia held his hand and stopped every few seconds to pick up a pretty sea shell. he asked her about her family and she asked about his past squadrons he worked with. they took turns telling things about themselves and laughing over funny stories. they ended up sitting on the sand a little bit away from the jeep, stargirl sat next to rooster as she laid her head on his shoulder. she had her hands interlocked with his as she looked out at the water. "thank you for being there for me today" he said running his hand through his hair. "ofc i'll always be there for you rooster." he smiled at her before they sat in silence for a bit, just watching the waves crash and slowly flow out onto the sand. "can i tell you about my parents?" she nodded against him, "ofc if your comfy talking about them." she rubbed her thumb across the back of his hand as she listened. "my dad was a rio for maverick and he died after the engines went out after going through some of iceman's jet wash. his head hit the canopy after he ejected." she pressed s soft kiss to his shoulder. "my mom was devastated. she missed him a lot. she got cancer a few months after i graduated high school and then died. maverick always tried to be there for me but from being moved around so much on missions to school to pulling my papers from top gun, it set me back 4 years btw, we just stopped talking." he sighed deeply before looking down at her. she was already looking at him with soft eyes, "i'm so sorry rooster." she kissed one of his hands as he pulled her hair behind her ear. "call me bradley." she smiled at the name, "bradley" she tried it out. he liked how to name sounded when she said it. "amelia then." "mhm?" "my name is amelia." he looked into her eyes, "can i kiss you amelia?" "yes" he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her lips and she kissed him back. she pulled away first to take a breath and they both placed their heads together. their noses touching as they both smiled at each other, not knowing the other was completely falling and they were desperately hoping to be catched.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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