Chapter 21: Cooperation

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It's been days. Days and yet nothing of substance has been accomplished. Mostly because I've been forced to rely on these two halfwits.

"Grit, I thought you said you were repairing those bikes."

"It's Grid. And I decided against it, what's the point, she'll just break them again.", Grid responds.

"Well, we can hardly escape on foot."

"Newt escaped on foot."

"And look where that got him. Now we have to go out there and bail his ass out."

"Jubilee, language. Mother might be listening."

"If she is listening, the last thing about this conversation that would be of concern to her is my profanity."

"What's with you all of a sudden? Why do you want to leave so badly."

"Because this place is a prison. She's driving us crazy, making us torture each other. Not to mention kids keep disappearing, and she's hiding it."

"It kind of seems like you're the only one torturing people here, Jubilee."

"You're wrong, everything I've ever done was justified and necessary."

"Fine, but what's your plan to escape then?"

"That's what we need to discuss. Find Wayne and meet me somewhere more secure."

"Oh, I've been here the whole time.", Wayne emerges from the shadows.

Grid jumps out of his seat in shock and screams like a little girl.

"Wayne, for the love of all that is holy make a noise or something next time. I almost shat my pants.", Grid whines.

"I'm sorry. I'm just a quiet person, I guess.", Wayne replies.

"You two quit it with the chit-chat and meet in the downstairs bathroom.", I demand.

We assembled in the bathroom as I had planned. We each entered separately from each other and at widely different and inconsistent times. We made sure that we were not being watched or followed. Or at least I did, I have no idea whether or not these two incompetents managed to be vigilant enough. 

I chose to sit on the sink, while Grid opted to lay down in the empty bathtub, fully clothed. He claims to be comfortable like this, but I can't imagine why. On the other hand, Wayne decided to just awkwardly stand in the middle of the room. Nobody would dare spy on us from in here. They would be committing some sort of crime if they tried. Even Mother has to respect our privacy. We only have so much time before they notice our disappearance, so need to be fast.

"So, what's our plan?", Wayne starts us off.

"We fix those bikes, and we leave.", I reply.

"Like for good, what about the others? You aren't planning on leaving them here with Mother are you?", Grid starts to interrogate me it feels.

"We can't do much while we're also in captivity. We need the freedom to gather resources and build our strength.", I answer

"I think you're missing one detail. Is it even possible to fully escape? I mean what if she calls the poli-", Wayne is cut short.

"She won't call the police.", I interrupted him.

"But she could call Terror? Can we really outrun them on bikes?", Wayne replies.

"Well to be fair, they are really good bikes. I modified them myself."

I ignore Grid and respond to Wayne instead, "We don't need to outrun them. We just need to hide, we can sneak around them once they get distracted, but we need to be fast."

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