Auction of Evil

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'We're in.' Callen whispered over comms.

'How do the girls look?' Hetty replied.

'Well, there's 2 cages of them, and most are in bad shape.'

'Mr. Hanna?'

'Found some dead bodies. Looks like they were raped before being choked to death.' Sam replied.

Hetty deep sighed. How could people be so evil to want to auction off innocent women like this?

Callen and Sam later took the traffickers down and stopped the auction.

Hetty's office

'You okay? You seem down.' Granger asked, knowing what human trafficking cases now meant for her.

Sipping her tea. 'I'm okay. Just a little overwhelmed.' Hetty replied.

Rubbing her shoulder. 'Care to say?'

'Sigh. I hate thinking about what those poor girls went through. No one should ever have to be victims of this awful crime. Or almost the victim.'

'Well, they're lucky to have had our team to come to their aid.'

'Most were raped. Almost all of them had some form of torture on them, there was even a few brands! (holding his hand). I shudder to think of how most of that could've happened to me.'

'But it didn't. Our team got to you in time because they would move heaven and earth to find you.' Granger kindly reminded her.

'You always seem to know what to say.' Hetty softly replied. Then she kindly kissed his hand.

'I learned from the best.'

BTH Bingo 2: NCIS LA editionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora