Chapter 29: Good, I miss you like crazy

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When I woke up, I hopped into the warm shower then got ready to go. I put on salmon colored jeans and a floral shirt.

On my way out, I put a note on the counter for Harry and Hope, telling them I was going to go to town.

I decided to ride my white bike into town. I was almost to the café when a person ran into me.

"I am so sorry" she pleaded standing up. She had been on a bike too.

"You're fine" I squeaked out trying to stand up. My arm gave way and I fell back down. I winced.

"Your arm is broken" the lady pointed out. She looked like she was about to cry.

"Hey, I'm going to be fine. Don't worry about it" I said shoving my bike off me. People were starting to notice.

"I'm May" she said. I turned to look at her. She had the same freckles as he lady at the café.

"I met you yesterday, you gave me an application" I said, slowly standing.

"Let me call a cab and go with you to the hospital" May cried. I smiled. Flashes started coming from every direction.

"I'm Annie, and we need to get a cab fast" I said, cradling my arm, holding back tears. She grabbed my shoulder of my non hurt hand and led me to a cab. Liam was going to flip when he saw what was going on.

"Who were all those people?" May questioned, catching her breath.

"Do you know who Liam Payne is? Or Zayn Malik?" She nodded excitedly as the confusion lifted off her face.

"Ah, you're dating Liam, correct?" she stated excitedly. I blushed and nodded.

"How old are you?" I asked randomly, she looked about my age and I could really use a friend.

"19, I work at the café part time, and then go to the uni" she explained.

A shot of pain ran through my arm as the cab jerked forward. Tears were rolling down my face. I managed to get my phone and call Harry. He answered after a few rings.

"Ello" Harry's morning voice rang through the phone.

"Um, I've been in a bike accident and broke my arm" I whispered.

"Hope! Let's go!" Harry yelled, "Are we meeting at the hospital?"

"Yeah, I'm on the war there. drive safe" I said before hanging up.

The cab pulled up to the ER and I gently got out. I got checked in and went to have a seat. I shivered, remembering the last time I was in here and Hope wasn't hurt.

"Are you okay?" May whispered placing a hand on my arm for comfort.

"Yeah, just bad memories in these places" I trailed off. Harry and Hope appeared at the door moments later.

"See I knew you were clumsy, I just didn't know falling off a bike was your specialty" Harry teased sitting down next to me with Hope in his lap.

"Harry, Hope, this is May. We ran into each other earlier. Literally" I chuckled at the end.

"Nice to meet you" May said, brushing a piece of her red hair out of her face. Harry smiled.

"Nice to meet you too" he said with his famous smirk. Hope went right up and plopped herself on her lap.

"I'm Hope, I'm five years old, and Harry's my favorite" Hope rambled. May laughed.

"Hi Hope! You seem like quite the character" May exclaimed.

"Have you told Li?" Harry asked, moving my sleeve to look at my arm. The small movement mad me wince.

"Nope, I think I'm going to wait till after we get out of here" I said biting my nail.

"He's going to want to know," Harry sympathized.

"Don't you think I know that? He's always traveling though. He's never with his family and he should be. He doesn't understand that I would do anything to spend time with my parents again but I can't. I'm just trying to help" I cried, tears flowing out of my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of snapped at you" I apologized to Harry. He wrapped his arms around my non-Hurt side.

"Annie Malik?" A nurse said checking off her clipboard. I stood and walked towards her.

"Only immediate family is allowed back here" She said strictly.

"We are all immediate" May said grabbing Hope's hand like a sister. The nurse nodded and lead us back.

Hours later, I was laying in a hospital bed, waiting on my cast results. Hope was playing on Harry's phone and May was chatting with Harry.

"Annie? I hate to tell you but you have five small fractures around your wrist. We will have to put you in a cast with a sling for a couple weeks" the doctor said grabbing the materials from the draw.

"Since you are living with your little sister, we can give you a softer cast, that's going to allow you to move around better" he said.

"What about showers?" I asked listening intently.

"Water proof" he said.

When he was all done we were finally allowed to go. Fans had gathered up around the entrance and were blocking our way out. Security had to escort us to a cab.

"Let's go to dinner" Harry stated, "You too May"

"I don't want to impose" she said blushing.

"Of course not! You've stayed with me all day" I insisted. She agreed.

We went to a little café and had a seat.

"Has Liam contacted you?" I asked Harry, knowing he would know by now. We had already ordered and the food was being set down on the table.

"No, but Zayn has. He's glad to hear that you're okay" Harry said stuffing noodles into his mouth.

"You got something" May said pointing to the corner of his mouth. Harry tried to get it but failed miserably. May got her napkin and wiped it off for him. I decided to cough, when they had been staring at each other for quite a while. They both blushed.

When dinner was over we hugged May goodbye, and Harry even kissed her cheek, we headed home.

"It's Liam" I said seeing I had an incoming FaceTime. We had just pulled up and I was unlocking the door.

The call ended before I had a chance to call him.

"Harry can you go change Hope then put her to bed?" I asked Harry seeing that she was falling asleep watching TV. He nodded.

I called Liam back, he answered immediately.

"Hello" I said sheepishly. Anger was all over his face.

"Why didn't you call me?" I've been calling you since two this afternoon! Even Harry wouldn't answer!" Liam yelled.

"We've been at the hospital, I didn't have time" I replied calmly.

"Do you know how I found out? I saw the news that said 'Annie Malik was escorted to the hospital earlier this morning and hasn't been see for four hours' do you know how scary that is?" Liam cried, tears filling his eyes. I frowned.

"I didn't want to worry you, plus I thought it would be an hour tops and then I would call you. We were in there for five hours" I whispered blocking my face from the camera.

"Are you alright?" Liam said, finally realizing the actually reason he called.

"Yeah, just a few broken ligaments" I said, raising up my cast to show him.

"How long?"

"About six weeks, maybe sooner" I explained. He frowned.

"When Harry leaves, I'm going to come and stay with you. No buts" Liam demanded. I sighed. I would need help, plus Hope had to get to school and I could exactly drive.

"Good, because I miss you like crazy"

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