You Pricked My Heart

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Would you rather choose venipuncture over capillary puncture? Or a needle over a lancet? What hurts the most? As for someone, like Hersheen Serano, she would choose pricking as for her, pricking your finger doesn't hurt at all.

A strong and witty girl who has a bold personality. A first-year MedTech student who's willing to conquer the challenges of what's waiting for her in the field. For her, pricking her fingertips doesn't hurt at all, but inserting a needle into her vein does. However, folds of uncertainties happen when one of his classmates, Griffon Cliff, wanted to do a capillary puncture on her for him to testify if Hersheen doesn't really feel pain at all.

And a sudden turn of events happened when they both had to prick each other's fingers. And in that day and time, they also knew that they both pricked each other's hearts.

"You didn't just prick my finger, but you also pricked my heart." 


This story is part of the MedTech Love Series, a collaboration with other Medtech student writers. This story works as a stand-alone, like the rest of the series. You may read in any particular order.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, some places and incidents are products of the authors imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

This story is written by Queen_Wrecker. Do not distribute, publish, transmit, modify display or creative derivative works from or exploit the contents of this story in any way. 

Plagiarism is crime PUNISHABLE BY LAW

Date Started: July 03, 2022

Date Ended:

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