three !

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followtheleaderr: did u just call me a fuckin dumbass for being asmathic

munkyy66: yr literally allegic 2 air four attenchen

munkyy66: js breath fool

followtheleaderr: u cant even spell attention

munkyy66: not revealent 2 tha convo

reggie_arvizu: Munky, Most People In The World Have Asthma

munkyy66: ya bcz its a diseez ppl have where they fake bein allergic 2 shit like air nd stuff

munkyy66: its fked up n sad

followtheleaderr: I ALMOST DIED WHEN I WAS A KID

followtheleaderr: I WAS HOSPITALIZED

munkyy66: n e weighs

munkyy66: @/brianheadwelch beeeee where u atttt

munkyy66: aint seen u all day

brianheadwelch: didn't wanna involve myself in ur dumbass rant so i started to look at random facts on yt and omg

brianheadwelch: dyk that cleopatra lived closer to the internet than the pyramids?

reggie_arvizu: That's Cool Asf 🔥

munkyy66: bruh cleopatras not even real 💀

brianheadwelch: yes she is 😭 it's literally like a known fact

munkyy66: gods arent real tho

munkyy66: like most of the anchent countries arent real

munkyy66: ppl js made it up 4 religun

brianheadwelch: ....dude

brianheadwelch: what do you think ancient means

munkyy66: ummmm

munkyy66: old

followtheleaderr: ancient egypt, ancient greece, etc. were all fucking real dude. theyre the old version of the countries now. and the only things that weren't real were the gods and shit

followtheleaderr: cleopatra wasn't a god

followtheleaderr: she was the queen of egypt

brianheadwelch: king tut is also real

followtheleaderr: the reason why it's called ancient is bcs it's from b.c. and a.c.

brianheadwelch: before christ and after christ

followtheleaderr: fucking sped

brianheadwelch: zeus isn't real but julius caesar was real

munkyy66: ohhh

munkyy66: thot they were just made up so skl can think of new shit 2 teach us

followtheleaderr: munky we learned that shit in middle school

brianheadwelch: we also learned grammar and spelling in first grade

munkyy66: shawty u kno i cnt reed

followtheleaderr: god help us all


munkyy66: bee can u by me sum micdonnals?

followtheleaderr: dont buy him SHIT

brianheadwelch: the only thing im getting you is a fucking english teacher

brianheadwelch: how the hell are you good at math but you can't even spell mcdonald's

munkyy66: im half italian so i gru up in a pizza restrant

munkyy66: we were making dough every day bcz we were so gud at waht we do

munkyy66: id rather count how much dough im making instead of reading docter fucking soos

brianheadwelch: ahh makes sense

brianheadwelch: i also see how dough is also an innuendo for money

munkyy66: yup

followtheleaderr: and not a very good one either

brianheadwelch: ok munko, where do we start

munkyy66: anywhere

brianheadwelch: ok i got one

brianheadwelch: the differences between there, their, and they're

brianheadwelch: an easy way to remember it is that 'there' means a location, 'their' is a pronoun, which can either be used as referring to a person or a group of people, and 'they're' just means "they are"

munkyy66: those r alotta fukin words 2 rmbr

brianheadwelch: try using one of them in a sentence

brianheadwelch: someone walked past me, and all i can notice was _____ hair.

followtheleaderr: thats a horrible sentence lowk

brianheadwelch: i had 10 seconds

munkyy66: to much thinking

munkyy66: i wanna kill myself

brianheadwelch: ok enough thinking for today

munkyy66: by me micdonnals

brianheadwelch: what's the magic words

munkyy66: ummmm

munkyy66: put tha muny in tha bag, issa stick up?

followtheleaderr: the fuck

munkyy66: its waht they do in moveys???

brianheadwelch: the magic word was please but whatever

munkyy66: close enuff

munkyy66: tnx byron 💕💕💕

brianheadwelch: BYRON????



brianheadwelch: IT'S IN MY USERNAME JAMES

brianheadwelch: i shouldn't buy you anything

brianheadwelch: my best friend can't even spell my own name 😭😭💔

munkyy66: i js told u

brianheadwelch: 😐

munkyy66: i cnt even reed shawty


i havent went to sleep in 18 hours

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