pain hurts

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Rosie pov

I didn't feel good , at all . I looked ova and saw my family beside me . I put Danielle in the middle of Dan and dig i went to the bathroom i threw up blood .

Diggy: are you okay ?

Me:*crys* why me *throws up* why me ? Am i not doing something right .

Diggy: no your doing fine baby

Me : THEN WHY AM I DYING ? Slowly but i am .

Diggy: everything happens for a reason . Its not necessarily what you did , its what he has for us

Me: *whispered * im dying * throws up blood*

I looked up and saw diggy staring at me crying . I didn't want to keep bringing it up but he has to come back and realize that i am dying and one day i will die

Me: baby come here

I patted the tile floor , he sat next to me and looked at the floor

Me: look at me

He continued to look at the floor

Me: baby

He looked up

Me: right now im here *throws up* but one day i will not be

Diggy: dont say the rose , Dan understands what we saying . I dont want him knowing


Me: yes baby

Dan: he know it cookies

Me: you want some cookies?

He nodded

Me: come on baby

Diggy: i got it

Me: no its fine , im fine

I walked downstairs i reached up to get the cookies. Bam right then i ripped something they put on my stomach. Immediately fell to the floor holding my stomach

Dan: mommy what's wrong

Me:*holds stomach * get daddy

Dan ran up stairs

Diggy pov

I was in the bathroom room cleaning up . Dan came running in

Dan: daddy

Me: huh

Dan: mommy

Me: what about her

Dan: she like this

He got on the floor and did the same thing she did . I ran downstairs to see blood everywhere and her holding her stomach in pain. I lifted her shirt and saw the cord unplug, i pluged it back and took her up stairs.

Me: dan your cookies are on the table

He ran downstairs. I undressed her while she was still holding her stomach

Me: babe let go

Rosie : no

Me: i have to clean your tubes

She slowly let go

Me: its going to be real quick ,

I unplugged it

Rosie : ahhhhhh . She screams in pain

Dan: mommy im finished

Rosie :ahhh .... ok ...... baby ahhh lay .... in mommy and ahhhh shit daddys bed for me

Dan: wit L ?

Me: yeah lay wit L make sure she dont fall

Rosie :*crys* it hurtttsss

Me: i know baby just 1 more minute

Theres a tube that connects from the in side of her stomach to another part in her stomach which is keeping her alive , when unplug its like a whole bunch of contractions at one time .

I finally pluged it back up . I turned the water on and set her in it . I started to bath her

Me: your kimo treatment is in 3 days

She nodded

Me: you'll be able to get this tube out if you corporate

Rosie : i know , i dont want stomach cancer.

Me: baby just hang in there

Danielle :*crys*


dan: *laughes *

Me: what did you do to her

Dan: she my toy

Me: did you hit her

He nodded

Me: you cant hit people cause they touch your toy Daneil ..

I went to go calm her down

Rosie pov

Dan walked up to the tub , my eyes were closed . I felt a whole bunch of pain hit me right then . I opened my eyes and saw that it was unplugged

Me: *cries * ahhhhh oh my gosh. ..... fuck

Dan looked scared so he backed up , he backed up into digg

Digg: Daniel sit yo ass down on my bed and dont touch shit

He ran to the bed crying . Diggy hurried up and plugged it back up


He picked me up and helped me stand up while he wrapped the towel around me . Dan was now sleep cause he cryed so much . He dressed me and layed me on the bed

3 days later

Today was my kimo treatment. Its been hours and im just now getting the results back . The tube is no longer in me

Doc : simmons?

Me: yes

Doc: Ms. Rosie is ...........

Will he say " is a cancer surviver " or " is still dying from cancer " ?

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