Chapter 9

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"Another stomach ache?"
The nurse guessed and glimpsed at the student, who now rubbed the nape of his neck. That is not exactly why he stepped foot into the clinic in the first place without an issue concerning his body.

Sunoo had ten minutes to spare, or so to speak, ten minutes to find the person he was searching for amidst the odds that he would not be in the clinic at this hour. Likewise, that student was a no-show. Looking at the carton of chocolate milk in his hand, he questions, "Miss, do you remember that student– a senior, rather, who was with me yesterday?" The nurse gave it a bit of thought, pausing from her responsibilities as quietness encircles the two.

Is she trying to think, or is she using this as a chance to rest? She for sure is taking her time while Sunoo was unable to stay still. He could sense the expectancy growing on him.

"Park Sunghoon?"
Just as he was losing faith, she spoke, but nothing rang a bell. Park Sunghoon, who?

Sunoo looks around the room like it would help him find an answer. He paces back and forth, forgetting about the nurse that took in the sights of the afflicted chap.

"Does he come by often?"

He did not have to give him anything in return. The boy knew that, but he was too amicable and always had the need to compensate for any minor inconvenience.

"You can leave it here. He comes by in the afternoon so I'll make sure to give it to him."
A big sigh of relief escaped his lips. Filled with hysteria, he asks for a sticky note, bringing yesterday back when that specific senior stuck a message on his forehead with words that always tugged on the corner of his lips.

[ this will aid your stomach ]


[ Thanks for the plum juice! ]

The enthusiastic Sunoo had lost his energy once the second to the last period ended. He had a word with his teacher regarding his worrying scores for the past month. He wasn't doing well, in short. His English teacher mentioned about searching for a tutor at least to have him back on track, but he contradicted. His grades went opposite from skyrocketing the last time he went for it. As surprising as it seems, he hardly passed two subjects for the second quarter a year ago. The same subjects he struggles to transcend at present.

"Math and English suck!"
He repines to his two friends, almost kicking up a fuss, but who would care? The classroom was loud and brisk. No one would have paid attention regardless.

Just one more period, and he was out of there.

For their last, they will have Maths. One out of the many Sunoo thinks of as his enemy and a threat to his existence. It will be the death of him. All he has to do now is sit there and listen as he follows along with the discussion, repeating the formulas to understand the notion of what the teacher is spouting ahead. It's the least he could do if he wanted to pass.

"I think I need a tutor."

The two qualified friends were inside the locker room with other players, preparing themselves for practice. They changed into their sportswear and headed out, not forgetting to take their bottles of water along to place on a bench.

During math class, Sunoo often drifted from reality to his pool of imagination. If he were to search for a tutor, maybe it would not be as bad as last time if he chose to finally focus and not just bob his head while their words come out from one ear to the other.

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