one night

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Emily Prentiss sat at her mahogany desk in her office with no lights, the blinds down and the door shut slumped in her chair with no words to describe how she felt towards someone who's been there for her for over a decade. She went to the academy with her and she was the spark that brought Emily joy each day but something today felt different.
The team had just returned from one of their toughest cases to date, it was physically and mentally demanding for everyone on the team but it was Emily's first case as chief, the flight was just like any other with everyone doing their own things to fill the time but when Emily day opposite her she just started to feel butterflies in her stomach and she hadn't felt those in years not since her first crush in highschool but these were different these butterflies were because Emily was attracted to a woman and this was a completely new experience for her.

The flight was only a short one but for Emily it felt like an eternity, she couldn't bear telling the person she loved the most the truth

Emily's eyes met hers and Emily blushed but she lowered her head as an attempt to hide her glowing smile.
"Emily are you okay?" She spoke in her heartwarming soft tone
"Um..oh yeah, is it hot in here?"
Emily replied knowing full well it wasn't hot on the jet.
As they say opposite one another Emily watched her constantly grinning at her phone while she messaged her boyfriend Will.

The small flight finally came to an end and to Emily's relief she didn't have to hide her feelings while opposite the person she loved at least not for a few days. As Emily was now the bau chief she had to command the team just like how she watched and admired Hotch do for so many years before he left to spend more time with Jack. Emily was although new to this role and the responsibility it brought she enjoyed being around the team just like before and how she could command them but in a more family like way without needing to bring in a new member of the team.

The case initially started like any other with the team setting up in the local police department and Emily now telling everyone where to go, Emily sat in the bau's room in the p.d she had a text from her and Emily was just about to open it when Spencer knocked at the door and he started Emily

Spencer grabbed his briefcase he accidentally left on the table then he left the room without saying a word, Emily gently danced her fingers over her mobile phone distracting herself from the new text Emily was yet to read, Emily continued to ignore the message on the phone until it beeped again. This time it couldn't be ignored  as the phone began to vibrate she was ringing Emily, Emily hastily picked up the phone and she responded in her  usual tone only to hear her response in a soft but whimpering tone, Emily asked if she was okay but she hung up before Emily got a response. Emily sat there stunned for a moment before checking her messages she read the start of a long paragraph which read

'Emily something hasn't been right with me for the last few days, I can't take this anymore...'

This shook Emily to her core, Emily knew what she had meant in the message but she didn't want to believe that the person she loved was hurting once more

Emily rang her back and they talked for a while before Emily headed out of the p.d to find her.

As the day went on the team made significant progress in their case and the profile had been made and they had cops on the hunt and to Emily the case seemed to be going well but it was all about to come crashing down

One member of the team was struggling throughout the case but only one person knew and that one person was the person closest to her, Emily Prentiss.

The day was drawing to a close and Emily was staying in a local motel near the p.d and she asked if she needed somewhere to stay and she reluctantly agreed, she didn't mind staying with Emily or even being forced to share a bed if needs must but something remained on her mind.

They got to the motel and they got into the room and she barged into the room and flopped down onto the bed leaving Emily behind her trying not to laugh.

She sat up on the edge of the bed and she tugged on Emily's arm pulling Emily onto the bed and they both burst into fits of laughter.
They spent the evening watching comedy shows on the TV opposite the bed while they sat on the edges of the bed both trying to have some of the small duvet which only led to them squabbling over who gets the duvet and who is cold.

They struggled for the right to have the duvet for what felt like an eternity but finally Emily gave in and let her have the duvet although they both giggled and laughed Emily knew that she needed it more.
"It's not like you to give in so easily Em"
"I guess I felt I didn't need it anymore"
Emily replied hastily

After a while of them giggling and wiggling in the bed they slowly drifted off to sleep in eachother's arms

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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