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I held her for a very long while. It took everything she had to tell me the truth. I pulled away gently and wiped the stray tears. I saw the terror in her eyes. I gave her a reassuring smile and kissed her forehead. "Let's get something to eat." I told her. As soon as we went into the kitchen there was pounding on the door.

Magnolia jumped at the sound. Placing a quick kiss on her head I went towards the door but immediately stopped. Sniffing the air I smelled a scent I recognized. I let out a low and threatening growl. It was almost deafening. Vulcan wanted to take control. Magnolia came over and grabbed my hand. I calmed down slightly.

The pounding continued. Looking at Maggie I saw her eyes were wide. She glanced my way and we locked eyes. Squeezing her hand slightly we went to answer the door. My mother was on the other side. "Mother what're you doing here?" I demanded. Whatever she wanted was never good.

"You're father is wanting to see you, for some reason." She sneered. Magnolia growled slightly at her words. My mother snapped her hate filled eyes onto Magnolia. "Why the hell is she still here?" My mother demanded. I ignored her question and we left. I didn't have the patience for my mother and her hate. I knew that was all she was trying to do.

She was trying to hate on the fact that I had found my mate. I smiled at the thought of Maggie and I making a life together. I could tell Maggie was worried. "It'll be okay." She nodded but didn't say anything. I could feel her nerves. 'When are we going to mark her?' Vulcan whined. I smiled and shook my head.
'Vulcan, that's a conversation for another day.' I told him and left it there.

Once we got to the hospital, we noticed Ares and Gracelynne was waiting for us. I noticed Ares was pissed. I sighed and knew it was something mom said or did. "What's going on?" I asked him. He sighed and shook his head.
"Mom convinced dad that Magnolia isn't your mate. Said it was the girl from yesterday." He calmly said. My eyes went wide.

Ares was too calm for my liking. I saw her was ready to snap mom's neck. Luckily Gracelynne was there. I noticed the tight grip she had on his hand. "It might be best if Magnolia doesn't go up there." Gracelynne suggested, "Your father isn't in a good mood. I want Magnolia to be safe." Unintentionally I growled. Vulcan and I could protect Magnolia. But I nodded. What Gracelynne said made sense.

Vulcan knew it but he didn't want to say anything. Letting go of Magnolia I went upstairs to his room. Knocking on the door I mentally prepared myself for the fallout about to take place. "Come in, Hephaestus." His voice sounded weak and almost frail. Upon entering he didn't look like it except he looked a little pale.

'Dear Goddess please let this go well.' I prayed. I wasn't big on it but I felt like I needed to say one in this moment. An awkward silence fell. Dad cleared his throat. "Son," He began and I knew what was coming, "your mother has told me that you think you found your mate." I noticed the smile forming.

"Is it true?" He asked. He looked happy when I nodded.
"Yes sir." I answered, a smile on my face. "I sure did." He let out a laugh. "Where is she?"
"With Ares and Gracelynne." I replied, "Gracelynne said you were mad and didn't want to have her come up and you lash out." He shook his head. "She's doing a wonderful job as a Luna." He told me, "I was mad at your mother. She's got things so twisted in her head that it was easier for me to agree and go along." I shook my head.

He knew if he did that, it would only make things worse. But he was trying to prevent a bigger catastrophe. So I kind of understood. "Dad, why was Ares so pissed. I hadn't seen him like that in years." I kind of had an idea but I wanted to hear what dad had to say. "Your mother said something's about your mate and about how horrible of a Luna Gracelynne is." He told me, "Demanded Ares to let some girl out of the cells, saying he wrongfully imprisoned your chosen mate. He stormed out."

I nodded. I knew exactly how Ares felt. I was just as protective over Magnolia. I saw Dad's eyes gloss over. He was mind linking with someone. Probably Ares or Mom. His eyes returned to normal and a small smile formed. "Ares and your mate will be here soon." He told me, "I'm very happy that you found your mate, Hephaestus."

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