were not friends.

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walking up to your brothers car with an tired face all you wanted to do is go home but there was one thing stopping you

your loud mouth brother

he would not shut up about how you owe him because he picked him up and hows hes going to cover for you when mom get home later

"who even poured water on you?" he asked coming to a complete stop in front of the stop sign "i dont know his name. why would i know his naame"

you look out the window annoyed "im just asking i mean hes in your class why wouldn't you know his name?"

"because hes a fucking loser.. why would i know the name of a loser." your brother just gave up on trying

you jumped out the car right when your white house came into view

rampaging threw your purse to find you keys to open your door you hear your phone ring


"O M G. y/n are you okay? what suna did to you was not oka-"

call ended

"fucking ass kisser" you mumble under your breath

your phone rung again

you ended up putting it on do not disturb

after walking in your house you go straight to the pantry to get out a bag of  chocolate hello panda cookies and going in your refrigerator to get an ice cold water

going up the stairs and went in ur room putting ur snacks on the bed

and placing ur binder on ur messy desk going straight into ur bathroom

yeahhh a bad bitch still look good.  you thought to your self

putting your braids in a low ponytail you open your laptop

going to Disney+.com and searching up high school musical

bingeing it until your mom arrived home

you went down stairs to greet here but she looks upset so you go back upstairs

going into your personal bathroom too take a little shower

you went back in your room to get your phone, towel and favorite soap

you took a 24 minute shower

while going back into your room you close the door and shareplay the music to your tv

after you got dressed you started to take a nap

at 7:32 you woke up to your mom calling your name

"yes ma"

"what have you been doing all day?"


"where is your brother? and why isnt he home. his practice ends at 6:30"

"i dont know probably with his study group"

"mhm .. what you want for dinner?"

"i dont know"

walking back to my room and finishing my homework

438 words

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