Prologue: Crash Landing.

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Dark and his clan entered there ship and set course for Xenomorph Prime

The ship was about to reach the Xenomorph homeworld but suddenly the engines failed without explanation.

Spartan: Hunter, get to the engine room and find out what happened to the engines!

Hunter: Yes, Elder!

Hunter rushed down to the engine room to find out what happened.

Hunter entered the engine room and saw the burning engines.

Hunter opened his wrist bracer and contacted Spartan.

Hunter: Elder, i'm on the engine deck.

Spartan: What happens to the engines?

Hunter: The engines have failed but i don't know how.

Back on the bridge, Serpent Hunter informed Spartan and Dark that they'll have to make a crash landing on the human's homeworld of Earth.

Spartan: Dark, set a course for Earth and prepare for a crash landing!

Dark: As you wish Elder!

Dark set the ship on a course for Earth.

The ship enterd Earth's orbit and began to fall towards the planet.

As the ship began to enter the atmosphere, Serpent Hunter scanned the planet for a safe place to crash land the ship.

Serpent Hunter: Elder, i have identified a landing site!

Spartan: Put it up on screen.

Serpent Hunter: Yes, Elder.

Serpent Hunter displayed the potential landing site on the screen.

Spartan: Everyone get to your insertion pods, we are abandoning ship

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Spartan: Everyone get to your insertion pods, we are abandoning ship.

Spartan and the other three Predators rushed to their insertion pods and launched out of the ship.

The Predators insertion pods landed on the island.

The Pods opened and the four Predators exited the pods.

Spartan: We can't let the humans here know of our presence, activate your cloaking devices.

The Predators activated their cloaking devices and entered the base.

As the Predators were exploring the base they heard footsteps.

Jill: I know you're there.

Dark snuck up on the human but was unable to subdue her as she kicked Dark in the stomach.

Dark didn't flinch from the kick and kicked Jill in response knocking her out.

The Predators decloaked and Spartan approached the human.

Spartan: This is no ordinary human if she knew that we were here.

Spartan walked up to Dark.

Spartan: It's a good thing you didn't kill her, it would have dishonored you if you did.

Dark and the other Predators continued to explore the island base

End of Prologue.

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