Day #1: the war has begun

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"So are y'all ready for the first day of kindergarten?" Said, Mayor Sagami. Today was the first day of kindergarten for Touya and Konoha. As many of us know Touya is that type of child that always has that serious/in a bad mood face, but the reason wasn't that he had to go to school, but it was because he was on earth

"do we have to be here why couldn't Nasa taught in the space station it would have been much easier for you" said Touya "I appreciate that you took the time to get us here safe and sound and Touya agrees but he doesn't show it" said Konoha. Even though Mayor thought it would have been easier to teach them at the space center, he thought it would be a great experience for Touya and Konoha to meet new kids their age. They were only 4 years old so it would be worth a try.


"Alright kids settle down we have new students here," said Mr. Or Ms. Jendānyūtoraru "y'all may introduce yourselves when y'all are ready". "Hello my name is Konoha Б Nanase and this drone is next to me is medi". " ...Touya Sagami...". "Alright, Konoha, why don't you sit next to... hmm... oh! Why don't you sit next to Mina. Mina, could you please raise your hand" said Mr. Or Ms. Jendānyūtoraru

And so Mina raised her hand, and Konoha moved towards her and sat next to her. "and you Touya will sit next to hmm... why don't you sit next to Taiyo, Taiyo can you raise your hand?" Taiyo raised his and indicating Touya where he should sit while he was walking towards Taiyo's seat he heard all the girls whispering

"gosh he is so lucky to sit next to Taiyo-Kun.."

"That's not fair, I wanted to sit next to him!.."

"Man I would do anything to sit beside Taiyo-Kun"

Then a girl (she went to the restroom)decided to be the dumba and pointed at Touya while he was pulling out his chair and said "Hey! You will not sit next to The prince of the school only the Princess can! And that is me!" And Touya responded with:
"...the prince? And you say 'the Princess' can only sit there? Well I, don't see your name or anyone else's name written there so this is nobody's chair so I have the full right to sit there thank you very much. Gosh, Earthers are so annoying..."

then all of the boys started to whisper at each other

"Broo did you hear that the new kid just confronted the Princess!"

"Man the boy got guts I don't think I could do that"

"Wait, remember what happens when someone confronts the Princess..."

"Oh no," said all of the students (except Konoha, Taiyo, Touya, Mina, and the "Princess") Touya and Konoha looked all confused and it didn't take a second for the girl to race up to Touya and pull his hair and said:


Which Touya responding with:

"I'm Touya freaking Sagami the new princess of this class room"

The teacher: 🧍

(The teacher is non binary)

I hope y'all liked it

A d i o s


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