01- Missing you

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My mom used to say I had something special and that I should always look after it. When I turned seventeen she told me that this was my year. That my hopes and dreams would guide me to a nice destiny with everything I had ever wanted, and that my friends would always be able to remind me of how much of a valuable person I am.

Mom said that right before she went missing.

So all I have left at home is my sister Jane, my brother Jonathan, and a funny looking cat that comes around every afternoon. It's been quite lonely here, if I'm being honest. But I guess I have to get used to it since the police warned us of a great possibility of never finding her.

And no. I'm not stupid. I know that means that she might be dead.

So for now we all have to stay together.

"Will, have you seen my slippers?" Jane asks me, getting closer to the couch in sitting at. I tear my eyes away from the notebook I'm holding.

"No sorry" I frown "but didn't you clean them last night? It must be drying" I say, believing that Jonathan placed them outside thinking of Jane's cold feet in the middle of winter.

"Okay I'll check" she murmurs a thanks as she walks towards the laundry room.

Jane is peculiar. I don't even know where to begin explaining how she got into our lives., but I'll try.

Jane is my age, for starters. She has pretty brown eyes and curly hair, all the way down her shoulders, though in summer she mainly ties it up in a high bun. I always compliment her clothing since she's the one in this entire house that knows how to match the colors well. One time I asked about it, and all she told me was that ever since a friend took her shopping, she just couldn't stop imagining new looks and outfits to wear. Mom always tells us that when she met Jane at the orphanage she just wore old shirts, so that change made her happy. Anyway, back to mom's story of how she met Jane.

Her biological mom died in a car accident when she was little, and ever since she's been temporarily held at various houses with different families. Mom was looking into joining one of those programs, and that's when we met Jane. She seemed fragile and kinda scared at first. Jane was only eleven. I gathered that most of the houses she stayed at were shared by various kids, since almost everyone we met gave her goodbye cards and said that she'll be missed. Mom always said Jane could visit her friends any time, but I think she made even more friends here at Hawkins. Even more than me, who's been living here all life.

"They're not here Will" Jane yelled from the laundry room.

I understand that walking barefoot on a wooden floor can be uncomfortable, so I quickly get up and leave the notebook on the nearest table. I go into the room she's at.

"I'll ask Jonathan"

Jane follows me through our house, stopping at the garage door.

I knock two times, knowing that maybe he'll be busy with something I don't want to interrupt.

Jonathan's also been extremely affected by mom's disappearance. He has always been very close to her, and I know that he's helped her in most tough situations, like when dad left us stranded in Hawkins. I really don't remember that, but he does.

"Come in!"  I hear his voice coming from the other side.

He opens the door without even taking a look at us, rapidly going back to the table with loads of paper stacked. All of it with pictures of mom and a detailed description of her.

Gender: Female
Age: 44 years old
Height: 5'4"
Eyes: Brown
Clothing: Blue jeans, black shirt,
and maroon jacket and boots.
Last seen: at Melvad's General Store,
on March 27th.
If you have any information that can help us find her, please kindly report to Hawkins's Police department.

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