it has no damage because its a giant monstrosity of a truck

36 1 18

Ecstasy... is like a drug you know? Once you get a little, you need more and more and more. It's an addiction. And addictions are hard to stop. But pleasure is different than most addictions. In my opinion at least. It can come in all different forms. It's not your average alcohol addiction, to suppress your feelings or your drug addiction to try and sooth your inner pain, it's literally just doing it for the hell of it. At first at least. Then it morphs into something that becomes so routine in your life you can't even control it. Anyway, people pleasure themselves in all different ways. To some people that could be having sex with their partner, others it could be masturbating, and for some people it could be staring at a cowboy hat while you fuck yourself. Wait..not me of course! No way!

Can you tell I'm using sarcasm.

Well since I just revealed THAT about myself..might as well say a little bit of other stuff about me. My name is Katelyn. I'm 17 years old, I'll be 18 in about a month. I have a boyfriend named Connor. And him- he's a whole story to tell. See me, I am what you would call 'emo' or 'goth' or whatever you wanna say. I wear band t shirts, jeans, and black dresses. I'm cool. My boyfriend on the other hand...full ass country boy. I'm talking the boot cut jeans, plaid shirt, cowboy boots AND hat. The reason I'm telling you this is because while I don't really agree with his style on a moral level (sarcasm) I do like it and it comes to use for me. What I mean by that is his hat. I'm not weird with any other hats but damn.. something about his hat just gets me going. I think it's the inside of it. It looks like a puthy. It just gets me turned on sometimes. Now it's not like an irrational kink where if I even THINK about it I get horny. But if I happen to be slightly horny, if I look at it and you know..I'm in the mood..then I can do something if you know what I mean. I just so happen to do this daily. I don't know why it happens but I basically wake up horny and go to sleep horny. It doesn't stop. boyfriend isn't really up to having sex with me every day, if not more than that. So he's let me take his hat and basically look at it while I fuck myself...? That's the best way I can put it. But yeah I know it's weird and I should be ashamed and all that but am I really hurting anybody? It doesn't affect anyone else what I am doing and plus I keep it private. Only me and my boyfriend know I do it and he doesn't care. I think I'm going to tell Pete soon though. He's my best friend. He has a couple of kinks and he told me about them, and they're pretty bad. Like I'm talking restraints, daddy kinks, he's even got a thing for being 'punished' as he says. So I don't think he'll really care. Today I'm going out with him to the arcade for pizza and games because we're both hungry and bored as fuck. I'm gonna tell him today I think. Speaking of which I need to go take a shower before we go...I'll write more later about how it goes. Goodbye diary or whatever I'll be back later. uwu

I set my diary down and run to the shower. It's 3:23 and Pete is gonna pick me up at 4:30. That's enough time to shower, pick an outfit, and do my makeup and hair. I take my shower before wrapping up in a towel and going to my room. I examine my closet and look at all my options.

I end up settling on a short black dress, black choker with a heart, and some combat boots. I dry off before drying/brushing my hair, adding a small bit of makeup, then putting on the cloths. I look pretty fucking hot. By the time I'm done it's 4:25. He'll be here any minute. I grab my purse and go wait outside.

While I wait I think about how I'm gonna tell him.

'So Pete I have to tell you somethi-'

Nah too formal, it's no big deal.

'Also just wanted to let you know I have a kink-'

Eh it's better but I don't know man. I guess I'll have to figure it out because I see him pull in my driveway.

"Hey Petey!" I say as I run to the car.

"Hey Kate!!" I hop into the car and shut the door.

"You ready to have funnn?" He asks, drawing out the N as he pokes me.

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