(7) Attempt

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Conner ran through the many hallways but quieted down when he heard a noise like a creak or something or someone knocking on the many walls and doors in the large mansion, 'How is anyone supposed to navigate through this place!?' Conner thought to himself, he stopped running to catch his breath, he leaned on a door covered in dry blood and stickers, but when he did, he fell as the door was open, "WHAT THE ACTUALL FUCK!?" Conner looked around the VERY large room, it was WAY bigger than his, the walls were painted a pastel pink, and faded black heart decals, as well as a bunch of vogue magazines stuck to the wall with tape, stuffed animals were everywhere, though, all of them were ripped or maimed and even torn apart and stitched back together with many different parts, but the sick thing about this was that...

They all had at least one human organ or body part on them, fingers, toes, hearts, skin, and even more blood. Conner was disgusted as anybody would be at this horrid sight, but he continued through the room, to find anything useful like a key, he assumed it was poppy's room, due to a stabbed heart on a dresser next to her queen-sized bed, as well as the whole theme of the room, that had pink and black stripped blanket and bed sheets on it, and even more messed up stuffed animals, Conner looked over to the other dresser, which had more magazines, smaller stuffed animals, a ripped, white and gold decal lamp, and a pink box with a dark pink heart, the box was scrapped, bloody, and old, but, before he could open it, he heard footsteps walking towards the girly room...



I am legit so tired rn, like I haven't gotten ANY sleep this year bro...

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