Chapter 1

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"I'm gonna win this one Kit." Sam yelled out confidentally as he dribbled the ball around. He and Kit were currently having a one on one basketball match in the training room's court. Their score was tied and only a few seconds left into the match.

"Oh no you don't, agent Snow!" Kit retorted playfully as she got the ball from him after a missed shot. She dribbled the ball as fast as she could towards her side of the court.

But as Kit was about to shoot the ball in the hoop, she noticed something pulsing on the backboard. She stopped dead in her tracks immediately and Sam followed.

"Kit, what's going on?" He asked.

"It's the CLADE crest!" Kit pointed to the center of the backboard.

"Guess our game will have to wait. Director Scratch has a new Creature Case for us!" Sam said as Kit tossed the ball towards the hoop, successfully hitting the Crest and going in the hoop.

"Woo hoo! I win!" Kit yelled triumphantly before a hatch in the middle of the court opened and both jumped inside it.


"We're here Director Scratch. What's up?" Kit Casey asked after she and her partner Sam Snow, landed in their respective seats inside the Director's office.

"Agents, we just made a very interesting discovery in the Pacific Ocean." Director Scratch announced with a little bit of excitement in her tone before showing them the location; Right square in the middle of the huge body of saltwater.

"Just tell us what it is, Director." Sam said confidently. 

The Director pressed another button and some aerial shots of several shadowy figures on the shoreline. "Apparently, the Mice Squad managed to take these photos of a lost tribe in this island where the location is pinned. However, the drone they used to photograph them somehow went offline on the spot. So I have two missions for you two; One, find the drone to see where it went and why and how it went offline. And two, to look for the lost tribe and maybe explore a few things about them."

Kit let out a surprised huff. "Whoa. Sounds like a lot of work." 

"We'll have to split up the job." Sam suggested. "I'll go look for the drone, and Kit, you'll look for the lost tribe."

"Okay, sounds like a great idea!" Kit sighed with relief. 

"Good luck out there agents." Director Scratch pressed the button that dropped the two straight to R.O.N. and they took off towards said location.

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