Jealously Jealously

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Hermione granger the brightest witch of all ages jealous of Y/n L/n ever since 2nd year

Hermione granger the brightest witch of all ages jealous of Y/n L/n ever since 2nd year

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Hermione's POV

Y/n's e/c eye's

Y/n's h/c hair

The way the boys look at Y/n every time she walks in the door, the teachers even snape was very nice to her everyday her skin shines in the sun and moonlight, her style- just everything about her has every boy on her.

On the quidditch field she's the best player we've ever seen other than Victor Krum and her body had visible curves, she is very strong, masculine, and she has abs-

Don't ask how I know

But fun fact she's my roommate but we never talk well I don't make an effort to talk because most of the girls look at her as if she Lockhart

Maybe Tomorrow I'll talk to her
  Jealousy Jealousy

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