Jealousy Jealousy pt 3

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After their "extracurricular" activities Hermione talked to y/n about the kinks she had like a "ma'am/mommy" kink, Then they went on a date to hogsmeade ,Y/n got Hermione her dream books for her collection when they got to the dorm Hermione accidentally let a word slip past her lips

In the common room

Harry,Ron,draco,ginny,luna,Cedric, Cho,Fred,George sat in the common room talking amongst one another

Y/n: My love!

Mione: Yes Ma'am!

Y/n: Come here please!

Mione: Yes momm-ma'am! Yes ma'am!

Harry: I know yall heard what I heard


Ginny:Hermione's just a simp for y/n

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