Chapter 3- hurt

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⚠️TW for mentions of self harm and being caught with fresh scars (not hostile), also cleaning and treating wounds⚠️

authors note....
uh hi....I wrote this story for fun in 2 days then kinda just dipped 😭 my mental health hasn't been doing so hot so pls forgive me I didn't even see any comments until now. I thought nobody would see it so that's cool! Anyways...I guess I'll be writing some more! Don't know how much more but please tell me what you think of it :3

⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑

   You awoke somewhere you did not recognize. The blanket and had basketballs on it? Oh.

You then knew where you were. But wait- what even happened last night? (Or maybe several months ago...haha) You remember looking for basil and crying a embarrassing.

Your sleepy thoughts were interrupted by an obnoxious person bundling through the door. "HEY WAKE UP! BASIL IS AT HOME! HE CAME BACK LAST NIGHT! SEE, I TOLD YOU HE WOULD COME BACK!!!"

You sat up and rubbed your puffy eyelids. You were still exhausted from yesterdays events. Kel, on the other hand, was about to scream again. It made his heart oddly happy to see you wake up in his bed. :)

Noticing his silence, you stop rubbing your eyes and finally process his words. You were happy Basil was back, but...what now? You felt like the worst partner ever.

He was upset and you didn't notice, you couldn't find him when he ran off, and you didn't comfort him when he needed you most.

Thinking about this made you tear up a little, but you soon pulled yourself together and stood up from Kel's bed.

"Thanks for telling me!" You said and quickly gathered your things and left his room. As you walked down the hallway you stopped and turned back to Kel. You were surprised to find him staring at you with a faraway look in his eyes.

You quickly walked back towards him and squeezed him tight. "..And thank you for last night. I'm really glad you were there."

With that you turned and ran off again and out of his house. Kel stood there for a few minutes, your touch still lingering on his skin. It felt warm and nice.

*:・゚✧*:・゚ '*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*' *:・゚✧*:・゚

When you got outside it was a bit chilly and the sun was just rising. Basil would still be asleep, but that's okay. You quickly made your way towards Basil's house and walked in.

Polly seemed to be sleeping still so you didn't need to explain yourself. You went straight for Basil's room.

When you slipped in quietly you noticed how dark it was. Basil was afraid of the dark and always had his fairy lights or nightlight on. You found his bed and slipped in next to him.

He was in a deep sleep so you did not wake him. You leaned your warm front against his cold back and hugged him lightly, playing with his hair. You soon got sleepy and ended up dozing off.

When you woke it was light out and basil was stirring in his sleep. He shifted his body towards yours and you felt his hot breath on your face.

"Sorry..." he mumbled in his dreams. You felt a pang in your heart.

"No...I'm sorry." You reached for his hand more so to comfort yourself but quickly pulled back when you felt something...odd.

You looked at your hand and saw nothing but you could smell something you hadn't earlier in the morning. Something...metallic.

A frightening thought went through your head and you swiftly pulled the covers off him and carefully checked his wrists.

Sure enough there were fresh marks. It scared you and you choked out a sob. You knew he had this coping mechanism and you tried to help him the best you could but you weren't always able to be there.

A feeling of uselessness and despair washed over you. I wasn't there for him... you thought. A few tears slipped down your cheeks but you bit your lip and slowly rose out of his bed.

Now wasn't the time to be crying, now was the time to make up for your mistakes. You grabbed the first aid kit and some bigger bandages and slipped quietly back into his room.

You turned on his fairy lights for some light to do your work, but not so much as to disturb his sleep.

You tenderly lifted his arms out of the blanket and blotted the damp rag on his wrists. Basil stirred in his sleep so you stopped for a minute, nervously wondering if he would wake up.

He didn't, so you kept working until the blood was washed away. Then, you carefully applied Neosporin and butterfly strips to the smaller wounds and the bigger bandages for more serious looking ones.

You were no doctor but you hoped this would do the trick. Once done you sighed and began to clean the supplies up. When you gathered them you turned to put them back when you felt a tug on the back of your hand.

Next thing you knew you were in basils arms as he desperately held on to you and sobbed. After the momentary shock you rubbed circles on his back and shoulder blades, moving to playing with his hair.

He cried for a long time and in between sobs he would try to get out almost unintelligible words "'re....mine. Sorry..."

"Shhh" you told him. "Try to speak when you calm down. It's alright, take your time."

You felt his tears fall and drip onto your own face. His breath choked between sobs as he calmed down and started back up again. This was a common occurrence but you were extremely patient with him.

Once he had been calm for a good while you looked up at him and dried his tears with your thumbs and kissed his forehead. "I'm sorry." you said.

Basil looked up at you surprised. "What are you sorry for? I'm the idiot who messed things up. I'm sorry. You deserve him. You deserve so much better."

Shocked at his words your brows were knit with concern. "Basil! Why do you think so lowly of yourself? You've done nothing wrong. and why would I date Kel?"

Ignoring the first part, Basils face grew darker. "I see the way he looks at you, the way he treats you. His eyes sparkle when you come into the room and he pays attention to you more than anyone else."

"While that may be true I think it's just his personality. Besides, your sparkling eyes are the only one I'm paying attention to." You reassured him with a boop to the nose.

He smiled shyly, still seemingly bothered by it. To get his mind off of it, you kissed his forehead and then pulled him out of bed.

"Come on, let's go water your plants!" You said excitedly. He smiled slightly and let you lead him outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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