Chapter 1

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"Ms. Stark?" The store attendant called out to me, "Would you like me to bring you a wider selection? I know how you like this designer's style."

I examined my reflection in the high-end store's very expensive mirror. The black satin dress hugged my figure perfectly, almost as if that very dress had been made for me.

"It's fine," I glanced at the attendant to if the tag she wore had her name on it. It did.

"Are you certain? We have more colours in that exact style," Maggie, the attendant, asked once more. I knew she was only trying to please me, it wasn't very often the daughter of the esteemed Iron Man himself walked into your workplace!

"Yes, I am certain. Thank you for your help, I appreciate it," I offered her a kind smile. I took one last look at my reflection and ran a hand through my hair before I took the dress off and returned to the clothes I had entered the store in. After paying, I left and took my seat in the black limo waiting for me.

"Ready to head back, Y/N?" Happy asked me from the driver's seat. I liked Happy, he was easy to talk to. I appreciated how he treated me like a normal sixteen-year-old, not like the daughter of an Avenger. That alone was rare these days.


"Ms. Stark, your mother has requested you join her and your father in the lounge," JARVIS announced as I was examining my outfit in my full length mirror. I was wearing the black dress I had bought earlier today, black heels, minimal gold jewelry and my hair fell in a cascade of y/h/c down my back in loose curls.

"Can you tell her I'll be right down, JARVIS? Thank you!" I replied to the AI. I sprayed a few more pumps of perfume before I exited my luxurious room.

We had lived at Avengers Tower ever since our old mansion had been blown up... a perk of your dad being an avenger, some people really hated him. I liked living in New York, everything was right at my fingertips. I wanted a new dress? Sure, Happy will drive you. I wanted ice cream? Sure, someone will have it here in 10 minutes. I loved it. The only thing I really missed was constant sun, but if I wanted to go to the beach I could just get someone to fly me.

The best part of living in New York was the fact I lived in Avengers Tower. Although none of the other Avengers lived here full time, everyone popped in quite often. Natasha was here the most, Bruce was over often to help my dad with odd projects, Steve would drop in occasionally, Clint was rarely over, and we haven't had Thor around for dinner in ages.

Today was one of the rare occasions when Dad invited everyone to the Tower for a nice dinner and chat, except something about today was different. First of all, it wasn't a holiday and I didn't think it was anyone's birthday. Second of all, my dad seemed tense. Whenever we hosted these dinners, he was usually in a great mood. Something was off, but I wasn't sure what exactly.

I entered the lounge and once again admired the room. It was absolutely gorgeous, everything about it was communal and designed so one could host a large group of people and still be able to move around and chat with everyone. It was one of my favourite rooms in the Tower, minus my room. I saw my mom sitting on one of the couches and my father pacing nearby.

"Pepper, are you sure Y/N should stay for dinner?" My dad looked at my mom, unaware that I was standing right there,

"Wow, thanks Dad. I feel very loved," I made a face at him before I laughed.

"I'm sorry honey, I didn't realize you were there. Is that your new dress?" He asked with a smile he only had when I was around.

"It is, yes. Do you like it?" I asked with a giggle. I spun around so my parents could see my purchase. I was quite happy with it.

"It's a very pretty dress, Y/N," Mom smiled at me before she added, "Why don't you go wait downstairs for our guests to arrive, they would be very happy to talk to you,"

I nodded, I really enjoyed the other Avengers, especially Natasha. She had always been very kind to me and when she found out that I did ballet, she came to every performance. She had told me that when I was on stage, I reminded her a bit of someone she used to know. I never asked who that someone was, it seemed like that was a topic she didn't want to discuss.

I made my way towards the elevator, feeling offended that my dad thought I shouldn't attend this dinner. I knew that something was wrong, but that had confirmed my suspicions. Maybe something had happened with work? I hoped there wasn't anymore aliens planning on attacking Earth, I never wanted to go through that again.

I was still pondering what could be wrong when my elevator opened. A group of people were all talking in hushed voices nearby, I cocked my head to the side. Why was everyone down here?

"Hey! Um, my dad sent me to come get you-" I said awkwardly. My parents had always taken pride in the fact I wasn't an awkward person. Nobody would describe me as such, however something about being in the presence of such talented and yes, deadly, individuals would make anybody awkward.

They all looked at me, Nat offered me a small smile and Bruce waved at me. I returned both the wave and the smile, and a new man who I hadn't noticed before said suddenly,

"You must be Y/N Stark,"

Stark's Daughter (Reader x Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now