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Hawkins, Indiana 

8 years later

It was early morning and Lily Eileen Snape woke up when she heard footsteps by her door. But of course she wasn't known as Lily. She was known as 007. 

The door opened and Dr.Brenner, who liked to be called papa, walked in. He would usually check on all the children early in the morning to see who was up. 

"Ah, I see you have woken up number seven." Papa said as he turned on the light in the room, making the girl wake up completely.  "How did you sleep?" He asked.

"Alright. I had a dream about that man with long black hair and robes again. He was still trying to say he was my real papa not you." She was constantly having dreams about her father and he was always saying he would be back for her some day. 

"You don't have to worry about him seven. People can't take you from here through your dreams.  And you shouldn't worry about people getting in here because we have the bodyguards and they are here to make sure you are safe. Now we should get up now. We have some important lessons today." 

"Am I the only one up yet?" She asked as she crawled out if bed. 

"No, one is awake. Now I have to go check one everyone else, so I will let you change. Can I trust you to go to the rainbow room on your own when you are down?" He asked getting a nod in reply as he walked out the door. 

Lily hated being called by a number but she knew that some day she would be called by her real name. Or she at least hoped. She had seen many older kids leave when they turned 18 and she was truly hoping she would leave some day like the others. But today was not the day.  

She had changed and headed off to the rainbow room to wait for all the other kids and papa to come so they could do there lessons.

The one that got away- Peter BallardWhere stories live. Discover now