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I always wondered when I was a little girl what it was like to hear someone else's thoughts. I didn't know that I'd get my wish. And that I'd end up hating that I'd ever wished for it.
It happened so fast. One moment I was with my best friends at the deserted old amusement park hanging off of the railings- not a smart idea on my part but in my defense, it was a dare. Then the next thing I know, I'm waking up in the hospital with a bandage over my head, loud beeping noises, too bright of lights, and voices in my head.
At first, I thought I was going crazy so I called the nurses from the button on the side of the bed to see a nurse walk in with the name tag on her shirt saying Myranda and then I heard it.
Holy shit, she's up! I need to call Dr. Newman quickly! Wait, smile Myranda, she probably doesn't remember what happened.
I gave her a strange look. I didn't see her move her mouth.
"Good morning sweetie, how're you feeling?" She said with a slight southern accent.
I smiled at her sweetly.
"I'm fine but miss, I can hear voices. Is something wrong with my head?"
What? Did she just say she could hear voices?! I don't think that's normal!
"Uh I- I'll have to call Dr. Newman about that sweety. I'll be right back!" She said frantically before leaving the room.
I instantly regretted what I told but I'm a naturally curious person so it would be nice to know why I'm hearing voices that actually might be peoples thoughts. I agree with her though, it isn't normal.
I was put in a "special" hospital later on to "make sure I was healthy" but I didn't believe them. I knew where they took me. I was twelve years old, not stupid.
Word soon got out that I was a freak and my family and I had to move away from the only place I had ever known when it got too bad.
It was then that I decided that I would never tell a soul.
I started at the end of eighth grade and kept to myself. I learned that my "gift" according to my parents, was called telepathy.
I'm now starting high school soon and luckily no one has noticed anything too strange about me yet. Trust me, I would know. People just think I'm a little weird and mysterious.
I only wish I had never wished for this curse. I guess the saying is there for a good reason. Be careful what you wish for.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2015 ⏰

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