Part 10

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Maribel opened the door and saw Sam and his family which were his parents his twin sister and the triplets which were about Antonio's age and his older brother and sister "Hey Maribel" his sister said "Hey guys what are you doing here" she asked "oh Camilo invited us for dinner" Sam said "Mari let them in" Dolores said walking up to them, she opened the door fully and they stepped in Casita helped them hang they coats but when it took Sam's coat it threw it on the floor "hey what it deal" Sam said "guess Casita doesn't like you" Maribel said and walked inside to the dinner, Alma welcomed them and they all sat to eat.

"So how was your day" Alma asked "it was amazing" Camilo said "yeah Isabela helped in my garden" Laura said (that the twin sister btw) "oh lovely thank you Isa" Alma said "your welcome" she said "so Mari what about you" Sam asked "why do you care" she said "Marible be nice to our guest" Alma said "well today i helped some kids what about you Sam what do you do with Camilo gossip no doubt" Maribel said "well nothing to talk about in this small town" Camilo said "expect your own family" Dolores said to herself "what was that" Isabela asked her "nothing Isa" Dolores said "Maribel remind us why your giftless" Sam said "why don't you ask the candle" Maribel said "both of you out" Alma said, Maribel and Sam walked out off the dinner area, Maribel sat down and relaxed, Sam tried sitting but Casita moved the chair "what the deal" he said "Casita won't allow you that your problem" Maribel said "of course you can't do anything i knew you were useless" he said and sat against the wall, Maribel closed her eyes enjoying the silence but was short lived by Sam's shoes hitting against each other "show me the rooms" he said bouncing up "what" Maribel sat up and looked at him "i have only seen Camilo's and i want to see the rest" he said "sorry but Abula won't like that" Maribel said getting up and brushing her skirt and heading for the stairs "come on live a little" Sam took her hand and pulled her back "i could get in trouble" she said "fine fine just in and out" he said, Maribel rolled her eyes and pulled him along up the stairs.

"This is Isabel's room" she opened the door and shut it fast "ok next" she said "wait that it" Sam opened the door and stepped in, Maribel groaned and followed him in shutting the door. "we can't be in here" she said "why she won't mind" Sam said sitting on her bed "you clearly haven't met my sister" Maribel said and pulled him off the bed dragging him out and shutting the door, "where next" Sam said "Luisa's this way down" Maribel said and pulled him along "no touching" she said and opened the door and stepped in "wow talk about work out" Sam said, "ok let's go" she pulled him out and closed the door "last room Dolores" Maribel walked down the hall and opened her door walking in, Maribel sighed and sat down on her bed before falling flat down "so she won't mind" Sam asked "nope" Maribel said as Sam took the spot next to her "your actually pretty ok" he said "compliment accepted" she said, the door handle turned and in came Dolores "oh Maribel" she said "hey D" Maribel said sitting up "Sam your leaving" Dolores said, "right well Maribel see you some other time" Sam said and left the room, "well night" Maribel went for the door but Dolores dragged her back and looked at her "what was that" she asked "i was showing him around and no i didn't show him the adults room" she said "so your friends" she said "not even close" Maribel said "oh well i have to get some sleep" Dolores said and went behind her waterfall and came out dressed in night gown, she grabbed her ear muffs and hung them around her neck before loosing her hair and tiring it again with a thing bow this time "nighr Mira" she said and lay on her bed.

Maribel closed her door and made her way back to her shared room "hey" she stopped and saw Camilo, Casita quickly made a new path around for Maribel as she walked on "come on Maribel i didn't mean it" he said "whatever Camilo" Maribel said reaching her door "please" he said, Maribel rolled her eyes and went into the room, Antonio was already there waiting for her "Maribel" he ran to her hugging her leg "hey little guy" Maribel opened the drawers looking for his night wear, she found out and helped him change "dinner is boring without you" he said lying down "what happened" she asked "Camilo spilled his food nothing new and the rest was grown up talk" he said feeling tired "go to sleep" she said and tucked him in before leaving the room, quietly she made her way to the roof and laid down there watching the moon and stars, she inhaled deeply and sighed enjoying the night air, "Maribel" she turned and saw Camilo "leave me alone" she said looking back up, he sighed and went and laid beside her "what you doing" he asked, Maribel scooted a bit to give some space between them "nothing" she said "so how was Sam" he asked "ask him yourself" Maribel said getting up "your leaving" he said "I wanted to enjoy the view but you just spoilt it" she said and jumped down Casita raising tiles to catch her "wait" Camilo followed her down fast "goodnight" she said and slammed her door, Camilo thought of knocking but drew his back at a second thought "he put his hand in his pocket and went into his room.

Maribel sighed and laid on the bed before shutting her eyes and drifting into sleep

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