It's the Eshay's fault- Chapter 1

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"Tammy Thompson, I wanted her to look at me- but she couldn't pull her eyes away from you..."

Holy shit-

Robin Buckley, one of the newest characters introduced in the third season of Stranger Things- probably just said the most relatable things ever.

I first watched the season when it came out, but in light of the new volumes coming out in May and July, I felt like rewatching it because I may have been a bit drunk when I watched it with my best friends the first time.

Or I may not have been paying attention- either way, I did not remember this scene- I thought Robin was just always different.

The scene continued to play but looking at the bottom screen the time was 2:27 so I closed the lid and rubbed my eyes.

Throwing my laptop on my desk I got out of bed, the cold instantly pricking the stubble on my bare legs and numbing my feet as I walked down the dark hallway to the bathroom, cautious not to wake up the other member of the house.

The bathroom tiles were ten times colder than my bedroom carpet but I ignored it. Dragging my eyelids down I still had mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, and whatnot around my eyes after my shower, it made me look rather depressing.

"I wanted her to look at me-"

Yawning quietly I did my business and went back to bed.




I probably shouldn't keep snoozing my alarm, it's probably around 7:45, and my sister, and guardian, would not be happy to drive me to school if I missed the bus. I climbed out of bed, the task I hate the most in entire world, and go into the kitchen to put some toast in.

I pulled on my school uniform and performed my amazing morning skin routine of washing my face with water and slapping on some mascara. The school's policy is strict enough but it's a Monday morning and I don't care enough to try anymore.

Walking into my sister's room is like a death trap of makeup, clothes, and cigarette buds, but she doesn't know that I know where she keeps extra cash that I use for canteen money when she 'forgets' to buy groceries. She has random posters on the walls, random bands, and shows she never bothered to checkout, Stranger Things being one of them-

"but she couldn't pull her eyes away from you..."

I hear Lucille herself come in through the back door, and turn on the tv, even though the radio is already on in the kitchen- playing a new pop song as per usual, I think this one is by Harry Styles again as he's been the talk of the town recently.

I check my phone and read 8:04, the bus will be here soon so I say a quick goodbye before walking to the bus stop.

There are a couple of other teenagers there, in my school uniform or others, but none of them spare a glance before getting on the bus. My usual seat has been taken by an Eshay year seven and I already have a headache so a random spot does the trick for the 20 or so minutes drive to hell.

I plug in my headphones and start Spotify, if music didn't exist I wouldn't either, or I would at least wish to be deaf, year sevens are obnoxious as hell. I got maybe five minutes of peace before I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I swivel around to tell a kid to watch themselves but instead, I'm face to face with "Tammy Thompson," or actually Rochelle Caddel. Shit. She was kneeling on her seat behind me, her face close to mine, head cocked to the side.

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