The School..

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Her heart hammered in her chest as she sprinted down the narrow street,
meticulously avoiding dirty water dribbling down from nearby roofs.

She briefly stopped and stared at the sad sky, the sunlight had been swallowed up by broad, silver clouds. Heavy droplets sat on her lenses interrupting her train of thoughts.

Shoving past figures she'd never noticed, dread swelled inside as she stared at those corroded gates. The gates stared back.

The chimes of the school bell rung out
sending swarms of Umbrellas and ties charging into her, the crowd carried her through the school doors and onto the hallway that seemingly stretched on for miles.

The pupils scattered across the school trooping into their classrooms, consumed with thoughts of failure from the test they had received days before.

Change of perspective.

Placing my bag on the bench I feel daggers stabbing into the back of my head. My gaze traveled over my shoulder and were met with a pair of cold, calculating eyes.
Mrs Brown.

She hated me , I hated her too. Her
narcissistic behavior was abundantly clear. She had always complained about students dying their hair, eventhough hers was a wretched, burgundy mop.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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