Chapter 1

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Y/n's pov

'My first day of school. As the newbie, how fun.' I think to myself as i get ready for school, grabbing a Nirvana shirt and some ripped denim jeans from my closet. I grab a pair of socks and put them on, then grab some accessories like my bracelets, necklace and my pant chain. I walk down the small hallway into the kitchen and make some eggs for breakfast, i crack the egg and put it in a frying pan on the stove, as it's cooking i grab a cup and fill it with some water chugging it in like 5 seconds. Once my egg is ready i put it on a plate and quickly eat it. Then i rush into my room to pack my bag for school almost knocking my guitar off the wall as i run past the doorframe. I finished packing my bag and made my way to the front door grabbing my keys and walking inside to my car. I get in and turn on the radio, after about a second i hear the intro to 'for whom the bell tolls' by Metallica play.

I finally arrive at school and make my way to the principals office to pick up my schedule. Once I've done that i make my way to my first class, i walk in and make my way to the back, but before i can even reach past the first row of tables the teacher calls me over and tells me to introduce myself. 'Great.' i think absolutely annoyed.

"Hey, I'm y/n l/n, i just moved to hawkins and i guess i go to school here now." I say not even bothering to look excited and make my way to the back of the classroom. I sit down and pull out my books so i at least look like I'm paying attention, which i am totally not by the way.


It's finally lunch time so i make my way to the cafeteria. As i walk in all eyes turn to me. 'Ofcourse they all gotta stare, I'm the newbie right, Fucking hate this shit.' I think to myself, making my way to an empty table. Out of nowhere i hear some random dude near me yell something.
"God he shouts fucking loud" i say to myself, suddenly i feel eyes on me, as i turn to look at the table where the shouting dude is i see a boy with brown fluffy hair and a red sleeveless blouse staring at me.
"Like what ya see? You're staring you know." I say to him.
"I'm not staring, I'm admiring." He says, turning back to take a sip from his soda can.
"Aye! You there, what's your name?" The shouting dude asked me, making me turn around kind of annoyed.
"Y/n l/n." I replied. "Well y/n, seems like my friend gareth here likes you." He says gesturing to the guy that was just staring at me moments ago.
"Shut up! I barely even know him!" Gareth shouts back at the guy who just said that.
"Anyway, my name is Eddie Munson." He says, completely ignoring his friend.
"Gareth here was wondering if you'd want to sit with us."
"Eddie!" Gareth whisper-yelled at eddie.
"Uhh sure." I said agreeing and getting up to sit with them.
I chose to sit right next to Gareth since he seems pretty nice.
"What's up with the shirts?" I asked, noticing they're all wearing a shirt saying 'Hellfire Club' with a demon head on it.
"It's our club shirt! It's called Hellfire, and we play D&D together." A curly haired boy with a cap that says 'Thinking cap' said excitedly.
"Ah alright." I said getting kind of interested. 'D&D huh? I love D&D, might ask them if i can join later.' I think to myself.

Gareth went to grab his soda can but his arm brushed against mine which was kind of awkward.
"Sorry" Gareth muttered getting a bit red, i guess from embarrassment.

Gareth's pov

I went to grab my dr. Pepper because i was thirsty but my arm brushed against y/n's so i quickly muttered an apology and then started fucking blushing. 'Why the fuck am i blushing?? I mean yeah he's hot but I've know him for like 30 minutes, i can't possibly like him like that.' I think to myself, god this was awkward. Luckily the bell rang getting me out of this really awkward moment as i rushed to class

Y/n's pov

The bell rang so i stood up and grabbed my stuff.
"Feel free to sit with us whenever you want." Eddie said.
I thanked him and headed to class.

//Hey guys, i hope you like this chapter so far, i find it kind of hard to write a story about gareth since he doesn't have a lot of screen time but I'll try my best!\\

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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