Chapter 3 - Feeling

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Feeling a bit puzzled, she woke up and the first thought that came up to her mind was how wild her thoughts were yesterday. "Was it real?" she asked herself panicking. Hopping in the shower, she hoped her thoughts will clear up. She put some clothes on, brushed her hair and headed to the living room. Walking in the room she saw Madara looking outside from the window. "Oh right", she thought to herself. 

"G-good morning", she said to him in her tired morning voice.

"You woke up late," he stated firmly still looking outside.

"What? It's 9 a.m. Plus, it's the weekend!"


"Oh come on, no need to be so grumpy in the morning and you could at least say good morning!"

"Goodmorning", he finally said in his usual monotonous tone.

Smiling, she spoke:  "Mhm, that's much better. I'll start on making breakfast and you can maybe set the table meanwhile. What do you say?"

Hesitantly, he followed her to the kitchen and helped her prepare their meal. Once it was ready, they both sat down and started to eat.



"As I told you yesterday we'll go shopping today and I just wanted to say that while we're out, try to stay by my side, please.  I, uh, I don't want you to get lost in a world you don't know and we will just avoid problems in general."

"Alright", he responded without looking at her.

"Great", she smiled.

"I really don't understand this woman. Why is she so caring towards me? She seems weak and I could easily harm her even if I can't use Jutsu, yet she acts like I was no threat to her. This is really starting to rile me up", he thought to himself. Madara couldn't understand why y/n was doing all of this. He certainly wasn't used to these gestures, he'd usually depend on himself and doesn't expect anything from anyone.

* * *

She drove to the mall with Madara by her side. "Alright, we're here". Soon they were going from store to store, buying different items and clothes. People occasionally stared at both of them, but they ignored them. 

"Let's go to the fitting room, so you can try these on", said the young woman before adding "Oh look at you! You look good in these" when she saw him in the pieces they had picked making his eyes widen slightly.

While they were heading outside of the shop y/n remembered something: "Oh Madara, could you wait here for me, please? I forgot something. I'll right be back."

While she was searching for the items she hear some voices whispering, but she shrugged it off. Turning around she found herself surrounded by three guys: "Y/n"

"What do you want?", she answered. Y/n knew who those guys were. Mark, Jack and Henry,  how could she forget the guys that made her elementary and high school a living hell? They always picked on her and embarrass her in front of everyone. She never understood what was about her that made them feel like they had to belittle her. One day, Jack confessed to her thinking she'd be head over heels over him, she even remembered his exact words "I'll give you a chance to be with me" how bold of him, she had  rejected him making him even more frustrated. Ever since then, he'd made sure that each time he saw her, he'll give her a piece of his mind.

"You remember us don't you?" said one of the guys makings her roll her eyes.

"You thought you could get away from us didn't you?" said another.

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