Chapter 12 - Bonding is Fun

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It's been four weeks since that incident. Percy, Callum, Luke, Hilda and Johanna were close as ever during that time. 

Callum brought Luke to the playground every Saturday in the late mornings, along with Hilda who would occasionally buy lunch to bring home before meeting them in the playground. Percy and Johanna spent most of their time at home and, if Luke was home as well, play with him. Johanna would help him with his homework, and Percy would help sometimes. They did many drawings together and pasted them all over the wall next to Luke's room. 

Through that, Luke had gotten better and better at drawing as time passed, and soon, he had joined the Art Club in school, where they would make lots of paintings or drawings, even sculptures as an activity; he also helped set up all the art competitions and sometimes took part in them. Everyone was immensely proud of him, especially Percy, who wouldn't stop babbling about how proud he is of his son to whoever he meets.

Summer was nearing, and the school was going to start the summer holidays. The Art Club was going to do an art that summarised all the events and activities they had done in one big painting, so Luke spent most of his time in his room or at the dining table taking down mini notes, trying to think of ideas; Hilda often helped him, and they drew rough sketches together. Callum would wander around Trolberg during that time. 

One Friday evening, Hilda was suggesting a group of students drawn standing outside the school gate, symbolising all the new students in the school. Johanna was calling her colleague on her work.

Callum had just come home from a run. He was wearing a brown sports jacket, which had yellow triangles under the sleeves, and a pair of yellow lines trailing the sleeve, his zip was also accented with a pair of yellow lines; and yellow curves at the bottom side of his jacket on both sides, revealing pockets, as well as a brown collar stand. He had matching yellow pants which reached 3/4 down his legs. He also wore a black wrist glove, with yellow lightning symbols on the top centre. 

"Hey, big bro Percy, these clothes are really comfy! It's amazing how they came together as one set when you bought them, thanks a lot!" Callum grinned, satisfied with his new outfit Percy had bought for him a couple of days ago. Callum had been going out for evening runs everyday since. 

Percy saluted before vanishing into his room. Callum sighed the entire way into the bathroom and locked the door. Half an hour later he came back out, his hair still dripping wet from his shower. His hair spiked downwards as water droplets formed at the tips, falling down to the floor before him, forming tiny puddles. He wore a plain, light grey shirt, and knee-length blue shorts. 

"Luke, I'm done, you can use the bath now." Callum called. 

Hearing that, Luke dropped his pencil and hopped off his seat. Soon, Callum saw the small boy bob up to him. He smiled at him. Luke smiled back before heading into the bathroom.

"Oh, Luke forgot to bring his towel in! Hold on, yes, I know that there's a bell in Big Ben..." Johanna carried the phone along with her as she knocked on Percy's door. Percy opened it and Johanna pointed eagerly at the towel which lay folded on his bedside table, as she continued her call. Percy went over to get it and handed it to her, giving a brief peck on her cheek as she took it from him. She halted abruptly in her sentence and stared at him, wide-eyed.

"Payback from last time." he mouthed with a blushing smile before closing the door before her.

"Hello? Hello?! Johanna!" a faint voice in her phone brought Johanna back as she quickly headed towards the bathroom, leaving the towel outside and knocking the door, then heading back to her desk. "Yes, sorry about that..."

Hilda poured Twig's meal into his bowl. Twig made a small noise as thanks before wolfing down his food as though he hadn't eaten since that day in the Great Forest.

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