"teach me" pt.2 (fluff)

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(a/n - love that picture of joe LMAO. also sorry if this seems rushed having a little bit of writers block rn)

Steve tries to keep himself calm, but it's hard. Eddie's being very encouraging towards him but he's still scared shitless. He finally musters up enough courage to speak. "Uhm, I think I might be.. gay or something? I don't really know. But I do know I'm like super attracted to you. I'm really sorry if this is weird, if you don't feel the same it's totally okay I won't be hurt. I know not many people are gay and stuff." That I won't be hurt part was a lie, Steve would be very hurt but he's not gonna force Eddie into a romantic relationship. He respects him.

He sits there waiting for a response and get's scared when Eddie doesn't talk, so he looks up. When he does he sees that Eddie is smiling, looking happier than Steve's ever seen him. His eyes are glossy and it looks like he's about to cry. He's so fucking proud of Steve for telling him, and he's very happy because he feels the same way. Once he realizes Steve's looking back at him worryingly he speaks. "Oh my god. Steve, I feel the same exact way about you. I don't know why you didn't tell me sooner!" He giggles, then leans in and hugs him. Steve returns the hug, sighing in relief. "I was scared to tell you, I'm sorry. If I knew you felt the same trust me, I would have told you the second I started having thoughts about us being more than friends."

Eddie pulls away from the hug and brings his hand up to hold Steve's face. "You don't have to be sorry, sweetheart. I understand why you were scared." Steve blushes and smiles at Eddie. His heart is racing at the fact he's holding his face. It feels so intense considering they've never touched each other like this romantically. Steve loves this even though he's flustered, and he wants more. He looks down at Eddie's lips then back at his eyes a few times before Eddie gets the hint.
Steve slowly starts to lean in, and Eddie does the same. Before they knew it their lips touched. Steve felt like he could die from how fast his heart is beating. Eddie's heart is racing too, but he's alot less nervous. He's just very very happy. Their lips move against each others perfectly, like this was meant to be. What if this is meant to be? Steve opens his mouth a bit to deepen the kiss, so Eddie follows his lead and does the same.

After a few minutes they pull away for air. Eddie stares at Steve, admiring how he looks with red lips and out of breath, hair messy. He looks so adorable. "Like what you see, Munson?" Steve asks, laughing. Eddie nods. "Yes actually, I very much do." And gives him a quick peck on the lips. They smile at each other before Eddie speaks again. "Soo... what should we do now?" As soon as Eddie asks, Steve knows his answer.
"Can you continue to teach me?"
In response, Eddie nods and gets up to grab his guitar again. Steve stands up and walks to him. Eddie hands him the guitar and goes to stand behind him. "I'm gonna wrap my arms around you again, kay?" He says, giving the side of Steve's neck a small kiss. Steve nods to give him permission, so Eddie wraps his arms around Steve to guide his hands again. Steve pays close attention to how his hands are moving, but he quickly looses his attention when Eddie starts kissing his neck. Steve's face is now bright red and he feels Eddie smiling against his neck. Eddie knows what he's doing, he's just teasing Steve again. He can't help himself. I mean c'mon, Steve's adorable when he's all flustered! "Eddie, stop it." Steve tries to say sternly, but it ends up coming out all shaky. Eddie laughs a bit but still stops as Steve had told him to.

Once Steve feels like he's had enough help, he tries to practice on his own. Eddie goes to sit down and watch as Steve performs for him. Yes Steve messes up every few chords, but he's still doing very good considering he hasn't had much previous practice. Eddie rests his chin on his hand as he watches, nothing but love seen in his eyes. He starts to space out a little but snaps out of it when Steve accidentally strums the guitar too hard and it lets out a very loud noise. Eddie just giggles and gives him a thumbs-up. After that Steve decides he's had enough for the night. He hands Eddie his guitar so he can put it up. When Eddie is putting it up, an important question pops up in his mind.

"Hey uh, Steve. I kinda have a question now." Steve looks at Eddie when he says that and raises his eyebrows, silently telling him to continue. "What are we now-? I mean, I know kissing doesn't mean you're a couple people kiss friends all the time but I'm just making sure because I don't want to assume." Eddie rambles.
Steve bites back a smile just because it's so damn cute how idiotic Eddie is. "Eds, I wanna be with you. Like I wanna date you." And at that Eddie practically squeals in excitement, which causes Steve to laugh at him. "Yes, lets date!! Please please!" He runs up to Steve and just about tackles him with a hug. Steve hugs back before kissing Eddie on the cheek. He's finally mine, Steve thought to himself. They halfway pull away from the hug to look at each other. Eddie leans in and kisses Steve again, becoming slightly addicted to the feeling of his lips. They feel so soft and perfect.

Over the next few months, Eddie continues to teach Steve how to play the guitar. Every day he just gets better and better. Eddie's not only proud of Steve, but also proud of himself for being able to teach him this quickly. It took Eddie years to learn. Once Steve gets good enough, which he's almost there, he's gonna join Eddie's band. Even though it's complete, it won't hurt to add another person. If anyone complains about it Eddie will gladly punch them. Steve's an unexpected but perfect fit.

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