The Painter

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He paints out of love

He make colors out of compassion

Atlast! Empty vast now is painted

He make all things possible

Who have been thought?

That a dark filled place gets blazed

That an empty worthless things, to Him matters

He gives value of what we thought is worthless

He gives life to all that seems dead

No word can express His greatness

Nor adjective will describe His amazing art

But how can it be that an awesome painter like Him knows me?

I am astounded by His majesty.

How does He makes that very wide sea?

How did He make all the grasses dance?

How does He feed the ants?

How did He made that Aurora Borealis?

How does He made the galaxies painted?

That skies out there?

Oh, the rainbows?

The crabs?

The leaves?

The Painter made all this things amazingly.

Still, He choose to made me

I was just totally amazed from time to time

The Creator of three hundred billion stars

Thousands of galaxies

Eight planets

The entire universe

You know what really melts my heart ?

This Painter calls me

He knew my name

He protects me

He heals me

He values me

He keeps me

He treasures me

Among all, He loves me more than the failures I've made.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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