The ReDeads

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The extra weight of their sword and body made Link trip every time they took a step. They still weren't used to being sixteen.

They were in the Shadow Temple behind Kakariko's graveyard. But they were out of arrows and their map showed no more chests and all the pots they've encountered have been empty.

So they turned around and started backtracking.

Link had taken out all the monsters on their way up here so they only had to worry about remembering which walls were fake and which turns to take.

This was one time they wouldn't've cared if a Wallmaster came and dragged them kicking and screaming back to the entrance. Actually, they wouldn't be kicking and screaming since that's what they actually want.

They came to a door.

They poked their fingers under the edge. Navi fluttered silently (for once) over their shoulder. This temple seemed to creep her out as much as it did Link.

Said Hero of Time grunted and braced himself. But they had forgotten about their extra strength and the door laid up easily.

Not like how it would've been before they pulled the Master Sword and was still nine.

The corridor on the other side of the door was dark and the door slammed shut behind Link. But they didn't think much about it.

Some doors can close behind them after they enter. And besides, a grate didn't lock Link in so it probably didn't mean anything.

They had one hand on the wall so they didn't get lost. Navi's blue glow wasn't very much to go on in this dark that seemed to swallow all light.

Link's hand brushed over something very wet and very sticky and very much like blood but they just gritted their teeth and kept going.

And then the wall dropped off. Link suspected that this was a dead end.

They sighed and walked along the walls just to make sure before going to leave.

But they couldn't help but think that they didn't remember this room. And it was strangely empty for a uncleared dungeon. So where were the monsters?

As Link ran into a iron grate where he was sure there was a exit.

It was absolutely quiet in the room Link now found himself locked in as they searched desperately for a way out.

Then Link heard something that made him freeze.

The sound of rattling bones shifting. The smell of rotting flesh made Link screw up their face in revulsion.

And then... a bloodcurdling scream that signaled the ReDeads waking.

And Link couldn't see a thing.

The Master Sword shone gently as her master unsheathed her so they could see a bit better.

Link took a few steps away from the wall.

That was a mistake.

Link screamed as a second being wrapped itself around them. They dropped their sword and worked on pulling the ReDead's arms and legs off of them.

They felt teeth digging into their head and the arms cutting off Link's breathing as they gasped for breath.

Link jumped backwards, ramming the skeleton into the wall.

It screeched in pain as Link took the opportunity to jam his dagger blindly behind him. Apparently hitting the monster.

It released Link who whipped around to shove the blade, covered in blood into the ReDead's chest cavity.

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